I put a few more rows on this shawl of leftovers. I love the yarn. I was knitting this on our recent road trip and added a row of eyelets because it was the end of a day in the car. I need to count garter ridges and decide how to add other rows of eyelets.
I started a new spinning project this last week. The Shetland fiber from Fibernymph Dye Works came unbraided and separated by color. That packaging makes it less compacted and very easy to spin. I'll have to see what kind of yarn I spin but I think this might be a great colorwork project.
I'm currently reading After Sappho by Selby Wynn Schwartz. Although Goodreads classifies it is historical fiction, this book is not typical historical fiction. The structure echoes both the style of Virginia Woolf and the extant fragments from the woman poet Sappho. By writing in short vignettes, the author focuses on times when women artists, writers, actresses, and lesbians exercised agency in their lives. The sections move between characters as well as time and place. Short musings on lines written by Sappho are interspersed throughout the chapters. This book might not be for everyone but I am enjoying it. It makes me think and I have learned more about these strong women, a few I never knew existed. The writing although lyrical is concise. Schwartz cuts to the chase by writing: "What did we want? To begin with, we wanted what half the population had got just by being born." It's a summer reading adventure for me.
I hope your week is going well. Stay cool.
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