Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Early December

This morning I rose unusually early (for me) and saw the sun come up over the horizon. What a welcome sight. After five gray days, I am ready for this bright day. The little birds: juncos, chickadees, finches, downy woodpeckers, and nuthatches keep me company. They feed heavily the day before a storm blows in and as the snow falls. Four or five pairs of cardinals frequent the neighborhood. One day while walking, I saw a group of male cardinals and several bluejays bathing in a large icy pool of water at the end of a driveway. I expect them to drink melted snow but flapping around  in the middle of the pool of icy water struck me as quite cold. I am sure they know best.

I am happy to report that Norah's Christmas stocking landed safely in Connecticut. Norah won't know the difference this Christmas. Her brothers are looking out for her though. I knit "Brother Bears" for each of the boys and Micah got an extra rainbow bear for his last birthday. He asked his Mom if I could knit a Sister Bear for Norah so "she won't feel left out." Well yes, I am sure I can - after the holidays.

This month I plan to knit more easy going projects. Often in warm weather I am searching for a shawl in white or light cream so I purchased some yarn that turned out to be a silver gray white. After the stocking was finished I cast on this shawl. I chose the pattern thinking it would be just right for this soft 2 ply-yarn. Although the texture in the fabric shows against the dark wood, the stitches are not well defined. In real life, the difference between the seed and garter stitch section is barely visible. I had a look around Ravelry and no other pattern jumped out as a possibility. This is the shape of shawl I enjoy wearing and I do prefer simpler motifs and textures. Maybe the yarn would show to better advantage with two more contrasting textures or maybe I'll stick with this pattern. Let me know if you have any thoughts.

In the meantime, I knit a cowl from scraps and cast on a pair of Christmas socks. The cowl needs to be blocked. I haven't decided what to do with it. It is rather pastel - pink, lavender, and blue - even for me.

My reading doldrums continue. I am reading The Overstory, a collection of short stories that has received good reviews. Many of the first stories in this collection (spoiler alert) contain a punch to the midsection - a suicide, death, or bad accident - that I am finding a little tiresome. The writing is good and I like the story of trees woven into the narrative so I continue to read. Maybe the time of the year has something to do with how I am reading this collection. Occasionally I pick up this book, A Vintage Christmas. It is a collection of very sweet old-fashioned Christmas stories when I need a happy, feel good read. I would like to find a first rate novel for these cold winter nights. I need to go book browsing - oh darn.

I am linking with Kat and the Unravelers and then I am going out to enjoy a little sunshine. I wish you a day of peace, love, and light. 


  1. I have no suggestions for an alternative to your shawl, but I would say this: I think you don't have enough "fabric" at this point to tell whether the design will ultimately work with your yarn. Maybe you should knit a bit more before deciding. Bigger swaths of stitches may make a difference!

    I love how your grandsons are looking out for their new little sister!

    PS - I really enjoyed The Overstory, but it is quite a heavy story. Perhaps you would enjoy it more in the spring?

  2. My recommendation about your shawl was going to be the same as Kym's, probably because she has also shared those words of wisdom with me before when I am questioning my choice of yarn and pattern. I will say I like the color, and I don't mean that facetiously. I needed a skein of white yarn and I had to order three of them before I ended up with one that wasn't too starkly bright or too off-white. I had no idea that whites were so different!

    I'm glad Norah's stocking arrived safely and wish you fun book browsing!

  3. I will ponder patterns, but I think if you knit a bit more you might be very happy with that yarn and pattern! (So, another vote with Kym!!)

    And, yes... the Overstory starts out in a rather shocking way, but how the stories are all woven together is quite masterful! (But again, maybe Kym is right again?) I quite enjoyed how it all comes together.

  4. I LOVE your Christmas socks Oh my gosh. i love them

  5. Love your bowl of shells in the first picture. I agree with the others to knit a bit more before making up your mind on the shawl. Glad Norah's stocking arrived safely and how sweet that he brothers are looking out for her!

    I just got The Overstory on Overdrive, but I also got The Feather Thief which I have been waiting for FOREVER. I may return The Overstory and try to get it later (I've seen mixed reviews on it).

  6. love your shawl pattern that you started. I'm easing into 'no stress' knitting and loving the feeling of being done with knitting for others. Your Christmas socks are delightful!!

  7. Micah sounds like a great big brother..
