Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Just Around the Corner

The daylight-savings-time-change flipped the weather switch in my locale. Light begins to shift in February. This past Sunday, the daylight looked remarkably brighter to me. The sun sets in a slightly different position on the horizon. Melted snowfall of many inches runs down the street and puddles in low areas on the sidewalk. The earth tilts toward Spring.

Today I went for a short walk. I encountered two young boys on bicycles and remarked, "nice day to be out on bikes." One sweet little guy replied, "yes, the snow is almost gone, the sun is out, and it stopped raining. That is what I am glad about today." Amen. Being glad about sunshine means hope. Another neighbor was out with her children who were drawing with chalk on the sidewalk. We chatted a few minutes. She told me she found something green in her yard - a dandelion - but it was green! I love winter but am ready to welcome Spring. Change is constant and the dependable rhythm of seasonal change is reassuring.

I cast on a pair of pale pink socks in honor of Spring and I am knitting hope into every stitch. Hope for Spring, hope for the boy on his bike, hope for the dandelion, and hope that all children can get outdoors and be glad in the sunshine.

I am reading The Library Book  by Susan Orlean. I opted out of the audio, narrated by the author and picked up a hard copy. I am enjoying the general history and commentary on libraries in general. In my opinion, some of the many details about the LA library history could have been omitted. This isn't the most compelling nonfiction I've ever read but I am enjoying it and will finish.

Just squeaking in at the end of the day to link with Kat and the Unravelers. I hope your days bring a touch of Spring.


  1. I love those spring-y socks! And, yes - that moment when suddenly we've reached the tipping point where winter can no longer hold on is just the best! I have little tiny Lambs Ear leaves coming up - a most welcome thing!

  2. Love your pink yarn. The light has definitely shifted and after this long, grey winter, I think we are all ready for Spring. Some shoots are coming up around our property, but no blooms yet. I think/hope we are finished with snow for this winter, although temps are to drop again over the weekend.

  3. Now that our snow has finally disappeared, I can see crocus leaves emerging - and even some daffodil leaves. It's coming! I love your pink socks. I was thinking about a nice pair of spring socks, too. Hmmmmmm. . . . I even have some soft pink yarn in my stash!

  4. pretty spring looking sock! The boys sound so delightfully honest and sweet. The book sounds okay but I don't think it would be for me for now.

  5. Your pink sock brings me hope, as do the boy on his bike and the things that make him happy, the joy your neighbor found in the dandelion, and children outdoors drawing with chalk. It's all pointing clearly towards spring, slowly but surely!

  6. Love that sock color way. It is 6:33 pm and the sun is just starting to set. No wonder the nights have flown by this week. It makes fireman very happy. We had on 60 degree day yesterday and it was a tease, but we will takeout
