Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Wednesday Unraveled

I walk under the November sky. I find the light exquisite, grays and blues that stretch the autumn season. Outside my window this morning, I watch the dusty green leaves fall in a blustery breeze. Not all of them turned. This year the local colors are subtle. However we were treated to the bright colors of Connecticut over a week ago. Time with our daughter and son-in-law and four lively grandchildren was glorious. Spending entire days with them is a luxury. We walked the older boys to and from school, read, played, attended flag-football. I read to Jonah's preschool class. We shared meals and read bedtime stories. We missed Halloween but did attend "Trunk or Treat." The evening was beautiful and the car trunks/ hatchbacks were decorated to the hilt. The event sponsored by the church raised a good donation for a new children's theatre that will be open to participation free of charge. My daughter and her family went as "Norah for President." Norah was dressed up with two brothers and parents as her Secret Service entourage. Micah opted out of the Secret Service and went as a flag football player which was ok too. Every family needs an individualist with a strong will. Right? The stickers read "Vote for Norah." And isn't that what we do? Vote for all the children of the next generation.

My daughter, husband, and I spent one day in New York City. We rode the train into Grand Central and then walked and walked. We went into the iconic public library (the lions are being rehabbed so we might have to return some day) and St. Patrick's Cathedral. We stuck our noses into the corner of Central Park. My favorite part of being in the city was the diversity of faces and languages being spoken around us. Beautiful. We also had a few chocolates from a little shop in Rockefeller Center. We didn't plan the matching outfits but it helped my husband keep tabs on us.

And now we are home. Any day I cross the Platte and Hudson Rivers in the same day is a good day. We love to go see them and we are happy to be home.

All of this is to say my knitting feels a little scattered if not unraveled. Still I am joining Kat's meetup for Unraveled Wednesday. I took a sock project with me to Connecticut and managed to finish one sock. I kitchenered a toe in the airport gate coming home and and cast on the second sock. The yarn color way, Nor'easter, proved not to be prophetic - thank goodness. I was too tired and the flight was too bumpy to knit as we made our way home. Monday I washed the raspberry sweater and pinned out the neck. When it is dry, I'll pick up the neck stitches. In the meantime I'm working on the hat and mitten sets for the kids. Last night I knit the top and little i-cord topknot on Norah's hat. I'm not sure I like the top knot. I plan to add a leaf so maybe that will help. I have Norah's mittens and Emmett's hat and mittens to go. I'd like to get them in the mail soon. November winds are blowing and winter is coming.

I enjoyed The Downstairs Girl for its wit, plucky heroine and story about an unknown (to me) piece of history. The ending is a little optimistic but it was a good read. I am currently reading the latest Bess Crawford mystery, A Cruel Deception. I like the Charles Todd ( a mother son writing team) mystery series set during and after World War One. A familiar set of characters is a nice way to return home. I am also reading Ask Me, a centennial collection of William Stafford's best known poems. I admire his thoughtful work and life. I purchased the book from the Watermark Books and Cafe in Wichita. It seemed appropriate as Stafford was born and grew up in Kansas. Jonah and I frequently read his current favorite, If you Take A Mouse to School, via FaceTime. He loves to see the familiar cubby, blocks, and science experiments. "We have those at my school." he tells me.

Take a peek at the blog links listed in Wednesday Unraveled for reading and knitting inspiration. In the meantime, I hope the November wind blows good things your way.


  1. What a fun trip and those costumes! Brilliant! Just brilliant! I have The Downstairs Girl in my queue and I am eagerly awaiting it!

  2. Oh what a cute idea for a family theme and kudos to you all for the one who wanted to be his own theme!!! Days with family are so precious. I hope to be a grandparent someday. And Spoil them to the hilt!!! Im readying Death in the Grand Canyon .....I doubt I'll ever go there!!!!

  3. Love the costume idea - and they all look great (the individualist as well). What a nice trip you had and a day in NYC sounds perfect. Your sock is very pretty.

  4. Where abouts in Connecticut? My husband grew up in New Haven and I loved to visit and walk around the Yale campus. Sounds like a wonderful trip all around! and I LOVE the idea of reading to your grandson over FaceTime. I've signed up to be (grand)Parent reader for Charlie's class next month. It would probably be good for me to practice with him beforehand.

  5. What a great trip and visit you had with your family in CT! I haven’t been to NYC in nearly five years...maybe when it gets warmer. What a fun way to share a book with your grandson; technology is cool...I’ll have to try with Chris...he likes to read, too. Thanks for the inspiration and Welcome Home. Colors have been subtle around here, too!

  6. I am a homebody and yet I am forced to travel to see family. I love a 2-3 night stay anything more and I get too antsy for home. Looks like you had a great trip and I love the little hat you made.

  7. I love NYC. My sister lives in Manhattan and I have enjoyed visiting her and adventuring with her. Last time we went to the Tenement Museum - fascinating.
