Wednesday, April 1, 2020


Hello April. Hello to warmer days, sunshine, daffodils and a walk on the prairie. Yesterday I took a long walk on the Spring Creek Prairie. Temperatures were in the mid sixties and the wind blew gently across this timeless land. The tall grass is just waking up under the gold and brown of last year. The green of late spring and summer is yet to come. Yesterday I was surrounded by sound. In a low spot near the pond, I heard peepers. Water in the pond rippled under the wind. The meadowlarks are back from their winter range and they were singing. The familiar five note melody rang out from every direction. I never did see one but their music will fill the prairie until autumn. Once onto the prairie and over a ridge, I sat down on the ground. Traffic noise from the nearby highway receded. I listened to the soft rattle of wind blowing through dry grasses. I walked and sat on a bench or rock to listen and then walked some more. Those few hours were glorious. As I walked out of the prairie toward my car, I saw one eastern bluebird before he took flight.

In real time, today is Unraveled Wednesday with Kat and the Unravelers. My projects remain mostly the same. I am making steady progress on this shawl and the above sweater.  The next time I sit down with the Coast sweater, I will put the sleeve stitches on waste yarn and set up the side body detail. I am waiting for daylight knitting hours so I put the stitch markers in the correct places. I considered putting the yoke on and taking a photo but I now officially have pandemic hair. I am not complaining just being truthful. 

In honor of my new great nephew, I am knitting a few preemie hats to donate at a later date. He arrived earlier than his due date but is gaining weight and doing well in the NICU. So far so good.I can't imagine the unit would accept anything from the outside right now and I heartily support that policy. 

Since April is poetry month, I ordered a copy of an anthology, Poetry of Presence: An Anthology of Mindfulness Poems. Poems by familiar and lesser known poets are included. It's a treasure for these days.    

Today and always, my grandchildren bring me joy. This is the sign they made last week to hang in their window.  Love is also timeless and it will carry us through. Take good care. Happy April. 


  1. What a wonderful walk on Spring Creek Prairie! Reading your words, I almost felt like I was walking alongside you. Thank you for the lovely outing and thank you for sharing your grandchildren. Their sign and smiling faces bring (happy) tears to my eyes.

  2. I love that sign! Perfect! (as are their smiling faces!!) Thank you for bringing us along on your walk! I am trying to "stay out of my own head" and keeping myself occupied with atypical tasks that require thinking! It is working and I am moving forward with it! :)

  3. What adorable boys! I love their sentiment, too.

    It sounds like your walk was really relaxing. I just love the sounds of nature waking up in the spring, though I am right in the middle of the city and can never fully get away from the sounds of traffic. I envy your solitude on the prairie!

  4. I have the Poetry of Presence book, and it is a delight. I think you'll love having it -- and especially now. :-) Your prairie walk sounds so peaceful. What a wonderful way to watch Spring unfurl!

    I have a ball cap that says "Gym Hair Don't Care." I've been telling Tom I need another one that says "Pandemic Hair Don't Care." ;-)

  5. Pandemic Hair - LOL. Love the picture of your grandchildren and love their sign. So glad your great nephew is doing well and gaining weight. Your walk sounds devine. Ever since reading Willa Cather I have wanted to walk in/on a prairie and hear meadow larks! And gosh, you were quite a bit warmer than we were. I was hoping to walk today, but it is very windy out, so I think I will pass.

  6. ah, a prairie walk sounds delightful. thank you for all those lovely photos, especially that last one!

  7. Love wins is adorable. Hoping the NICU stay is short and babe is home soon!

  8. you have a beautiful walk there! So glad that you are connected with your family and 'see' them virtually. My knitting is the same and I find great comfort in my projects.

  9. What a lovely place to walk. I have noticed it is much quieter around here because there are not as many planes flying.
