Friday, October 30, 2020

If You Give Your Mother a Kingfisher

Late Sunday evening and into Monday morning, a little more than two inches of snow fell. Snow on trees with leaves fits right into this odd year. More seasonable temperatures and sunny autumn days have returned. Just before the front blew in, the birds flocked to the feeders including a new one. My son gave me the kingfisher sculpture last Christmas. We didn't want to pound it into a tree or the deck and there the story begins. 

If you give your Mother a metal bird sculpture, she will want a bird feeder to go with it. She will sketch a platform feeder with an arm for the kingfisher and hand it to her husband. Her husband will scratch his head, watch online videos, and get out his tools. He will make several trips to Lowe's and Home Depot for wood, stain, screws, new parts for the saw, sealer, and rocks. About July, the son will gently ask his mother if she found a place for the kingfisher. She will reply she hopes it will be up before the snow flies. Eventually the husband borrows a posthole digger from a neighbor, digs to a depth below the frost line, and puts rocks in the hole. The wife holds the post while the husband positions it in rocks, checks the upright angle with a level, and then fills the hole with dirt. When the feeder is finished, it is filled and the birds find it. Three weeks later the first snow falls and the couple wonders if the feeder needs a cover. Chances are if the feeder needs a cover, the husband will have to go back to the hardware store. Inspiration from Laura Numeroff's If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.  

Actually the feeder is lovely and there are no plans for a cover. We will enjoy it this winter, snow and all. We've got a broom to dust off snow. We're going to need something to do this winter.

Saturday I finished Kate's shawl. I do believe I've knitted her a shawl large enough for wrapping up on cold evenings. It will be in the next package to Connecticut. 

The poncho knitting continues. The cable detail marks progress. Right now the piece measures sixteen inches and is good company in the evenings. I continue to work on the baby sweater from partial skeins of yarn. 

In other bird related news, I'm reading Mozart's Starling. This nonfiction weaves together the natural history of starlings, lore and fact about Mozart, and current research about birdsong. From now on I will be listening more closely to the starlings' song and other vocalizations. My sister recommended this delightful book to me. It is just the right for these weeks of frenetic election activity. 

Be well and take good care. Happy Halloween.


Ravelry Links

Kate's Winter Shawl

Baby Sweater


  1. Oh I have looked at those bird sculptures. I love them. A Kingfisher!!!!! I may need to get one of those for Fletch (you know, as we age, it is so difficult to find gifts that mean something, that are good. That one is!) Love your shawl and poncho - you are knitting up a storm and that baby sweater is sweet!

  2. Those books were cute on first read and got increasingly annoying with each reread when my daughter was into them, but I love your version! Your bird feeder looks wonderful -- I hope it brings many birds to your yard so you can enjoy them all year round!

  3. what a great story.....and to have a husband clever enough to make the story have a happy ending!!! I do love the new bird feeder.....and the shawl....and are truly making the best of the stay-at-home time!!! (and thanks for letting me know about the disappearing sweater photo from my's fixed...long story....slow learner here!!!!)

  4. I am loving your take on that fun book! (and I am loving your kingfisher!!)

    My "care packages" are such a common thing, the postal worker at the post office asks... Michigan, or California? lol Yes, that is a very good thing!@

  5. Your Kingfisher looks wonderful on his lovely custom feeder perch, and your take on the book is great! Kate is going to be wrapped up in love and warmth in that beautiful shawl. I'll think of you and Kat the next time I'm standing in line mailing my care package!

  6. One of the things I miss most is feeding birds (we got bears...). I used to love looking out the window and enjoying them. Love that book (mousecookie) and love your intro to the post.

  7. I love the kingfisher!
    I want some sculpture for our deck, but we haven't found one yet

  8. oh my, I love your story about the new bird feeder! My sister has had her eye on a similar metal bird, to go on one of the posts in her screened porch. Kate's shawl turned out beautifully - and you finished it at the perfect time.
