Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Windy Wednesday

The wind is breezy on this warm November day. Even so it will be a good day to be outdoors. As long as the wind doesn't do significant damage, I like the way it clears out the cobwebs and scatters seeds for next year. This time of year, the wind speaks of change. The sunshine and breeze make for pleasant walking and I can use a little cobweb clearing. I vary my walking route in order to stay engaged with my surroundings. Even walking the same route in the reverse direction helps me see things differently. 

I link with Kat and the Unravelers today and thank Kat for providing the link-up. Only one project needed a wee bit of unraveling this week. The textured pattern in Norah's first hat made my forearm sore. I ripped it out and knit the pattern I usually use for the kids' hat. If I can find the right color in my stash, I plan to crochet a little flower to sew on the hat. I cast on a hat for Jonah in his favorite color and am knitting along. I am making the hats with extra height/length. All four have good sized noggins and can always roll up the brim. 

This week I knit the heel flap and turned the heel on this sock. I am glad I stumbled on this free pattern by Kate Atherley. My knitting gauge and narrow foot mean a sock with a 60 stitch circumference and a heel flap/gusset fits me best. I have modified patterns. Still it can be challenging to center a textured pattern meant for 56/ 64 stitch socks over the instep in order to knit a 30 stitch heel flap. In this pattern, Athlerley includes directions for a 60 stitch sock and a heel flap and turn with an uneven number of stitches. This variation allows the ribbed pattern to remain centered over the instep. Does this matter in the scheme of things? No, it does not but why in the world have I never thought about doing this? I even own a book called Sock Architecture which might contain that information. I get so set in my way I miss other ideas. 

After letting the Cormo singles on my spindles rest a few weeks, I plied them on a slightly bigger spindle and made a very sweet skein of yarn. I have a good amount of this fiber to spin. The yarn is more consistent but still a little thick and thin. I am embracing this quality as well as learning about spinning intuitively. Whether it was a new spindle, this particular fiber, muscle memory, or the day, the plying went more smoothly. Sarah gave me a source for very pretty fiber so that is in the back of my mind. However since spindle spinning is a slow process, I am determined not to stash fiber.  

My reading life is rather blah right now. I will confess to a guilty pleasure of listening to the Gaslight Mystery series by Victoria Thompson. These are light mysteries with predictable plots, characters, and even titles. They are set in NYC at the turn of the century. The heroine is a midwife who attends women in the tenements. The series is a break from the noise of the news. 

Take good care and may the wind blow the cobwebs from your doorway. 

Ravelry Links

Jonah's Hat

Norah's Hat and Mittens

Ribbed Socks

Cormo Skein


  1. It is chilly and breezy here today and I thought about the wind blowing the cobwebs out of my brain during my walk today. It was invigorating. I think Norah will be thrilled with her hat and mittens, and the colors in the the ribbed socks make me smile. Your handspun yarn is absolutely beautiful and looks soft and pettable.

  2. Winter knitting is flying along!! Great job.

  3. Your hat and mittens look so cute! And I'm glad you've found a sock pattern that will fit you well!!

    Nothing wrong with listening to guilty pleasures!! Enjoy your reading and stitching :)

  4. Your grandkids are going to be warm and stylish this winter! Your spinning is looking lovely, too. Cormo is lovely stuff but can be hard to spin.

  5. "Guilty pleasure" reading is Just The Ticket for me these days! So glad you've been enjoying a nice, light mystery series. :-) I love getting outside when the weather is blustery -- although it's sometimes hard for me to get out the door when the wind is blowing and the temperatures are dipping. Once I do, thought, I'm never disappointed.

  6. "In November" looks darling.
    Love your knitting. the sock is cheerful and oh that spun up yarn!!!! Great job> I love it

  7. I think we are getting your warm weather sometime today and tomorrow. I am thinking that you have been the most prolific in your knitting during these days!! Lovely knitting!

  8. Reading is the best escape ever of the noise of the day! And I love your yarn! BEAUTIFUL!
