Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Late April News

Warm and cool April days have been the norm, yesterday near 90 degrees and today a high of 63 degrees. I walked two  mornings, my usual summer routine, to avoid 80 degree weather. My husband worked on the garden plot and raised bed, preparing the soil and reframing the vegetable plot with new timbers. I might have complained that it was growing ever smaller with grass encroaching into the edges. Now I will have to do my part and start planting. Our last frost date is around Mother's Day so it's time to make a list. 

In the meantime, the lilacs are blooming. They are my favorite Spring flowers. My grandparents had three or four large lilac bushes in their and my Granddad always picked a large bouquet of lavender and white lilacs. He added a few red tulips before carrying it into Gram. The University of Nebraska East Campus has a lilac arboretum. I haven't walked through it for three or four years so I hope to get there this season.

Thank you to Kat for hosting Unraveled Wednesday. My knitting is much the same but I'm enjoying it. Last night I sewed buttons on the little cardi and took an outdoor photo for a better color representation. Although I knit to gauge, this sweater is an inch shy of the 2 - 4T size. It is small so will be a gift for another little person some day. Now I have an excuse to knit another little sweater for my granddaughter. 

I'm enjoying the Falling Water Shawl as it grows. Four more repeats remain before adding the border. I'm knitting on the second sock. I took it with me to see my sister, niece, and great niece last week. What a lovely lovely time we had catching up - in person - without masks. On the way home, I got a little extra time on the sock while waiting for a low tire to be checked. Knitting - don't leave home without it. 

Last night I read the end of Clap When You Land. What a remarkable story about many things but especially about forgiveness. The strong female characters, young and old are great role models for a YA novel. The format of a novel written in verse is intriguing. I might request an audio copy in order to hear the rhythm of Acevedo's writing. The colors in the sock remind me I also listened to Miss Benson's Beetle. What a hoot. If you need some lighter reading and a few smiles, I suggest Miss Benson's madcap journey half-way around the world. 

This afternoon I'm off to ponder my garden while doing a few chores and then walk. Have a good week. 




  1. I guess these wild swings in temperature work out to a nice average! I had to come in from mowing in 90 degrees to cool down and get a drink. It's too hot too fast, but if it makes lilac buds pop that a plus. I can just imagine how lovely your Grandad's bouquets must have been, and with a wonderful scent. Your knitting is all lovely, too.

  2. Oh I hope you do listen to Clap When You Land - it's so good on audio! I'm sorry (maybe not sorry?!) you have to knit another little girl cardigan. I love seeing what you knit!

  3. Your knitting is so pretty Jane. And the cardigan is so cute...sorry it is too small for your granddaughter, but now you have the pleasure of knitting it again. Our lilacs are slowly (very slowly) opening. Not enough yet to cut, but soon. I loved Miss Benson's Beetle.

  4. Great post. I love your knitting projects. I am thinking about planting soon as well, but I don't think it is quite warm enough yet. Lilac bushes are so lovely. See you again soon.

  5. I am sorry that sweet cardigan turned out too small. But it will make someone very happy, and it can be a good thing to have a small person gift just waiting in the wings for when you need one! I have seen some lilacs starting to open along my walking route. We have lilac bushes along our driveway, but due to the work on the roof (we have a dumpster in the driveway right now), I haven't been able to look at them lately to see if there are any buds yet.

  6. My lilacs are opening too... and my backyard is just so aromatic! And I have a sweet pair of Mourning Doves who graced our porch with a nest and an egg when we got home last week! The second egg has been laid and determined sitting has begun! I think of you as Sherman and I quietly sneak outside! That shawl... gorgeous! (and happy granddaughter knitting!)

  7. Lilacs are my favorite spring flower, too, Jane. I just love the smell and the color and they remind me so much of happy springtimes when I was a little girl. We're a couple of weeks behind you regarding bloom-time (and last frost date), so I'll enjoy your lilacs right now . . . while I'm waiting for ours to appear.

  8. Jane my lilacs are about to bloom as well. I love the scent. They have an old fashioned memory to me, but I can't recall what it is. Maybe my gran wore lilac body powder. ? Sweater buttons looking gooD

  9. we are about to get a wind storm, fingers crossed I keep the electricity. It's always a worry for me. I love that May is tomorrow, it's full of hopefulness and a sign that winter is mostly GONE. lovely knitting!!!
