Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Still Spinning

Today is overcast and humid but the days were bright and beautiful this past week. Sunday we carried our dinner to the deck. Afterwards I stayed outdoors to ply a skein of yarn. If I had known my husband was taking a photo, I would have changed into a better shirt. My spindle spinning skills are improving. Although I'm still predrafting fiber, there is a good bit of consistent yarn in this skein. Sarah's positive comments about Polworth fiber prompted me to try it. I'm glad I did. The fiber and staple length make it good for beginners. It is a nice alternative to merino. This is the third skein and measures about 53 yards. I don't think I could get much more on my spindle. I have one small bump of this fiber to spin. 

I knit a little on the Rewilding Shawl and have come to the long and longer rows at the end of the shawl. I didn't take a photo because it's hard to see any visible difference. Hazel Knits no longer makes this yarn and I might know why. Lyric, a laceweight superwash merino, has a crisp hand that feels like cotton. Either the superwash processing or the dying created a yarn that feels lifeless. I'm reserving judgement until it's washed and blocked. The light weight fabric isn't awful but it isn't what I expected. The baby sweater flew off the needles. The combination of colorful yarn on comfortable needles and a tried and true pattern made the knitting fun and easy. The sleeves don't match but I think that adds to the charm. By the way, I won this game of yarn chicken. Whew.

I also knit on Norah's cardigan. I finished the textured yoke and put the sleeve stitches on waste yarn. Now I'm knitting on the stockinette body until I come to the cute little pockets. Today is a dark day so I had to adjust the light settings on the photo. 

I'm reading The Beadworkers, a collection of short stories by Beth Piatote. The stories are set in the Pacific Northwest and Piatote's characters are Native Americans. Her writing is spare but lyrical. Usually I am not a big short story fan as I want to know more about the characters and their story. However this is a wonderful collection. 

I am linking to Kat and the Unravelers on this Wednesday in July. I hope you are enjoying these summer days. 

Ravelry Links

Baby Sweater

Norah's Sweater

Spring Rewilding Shawl


  1. Beautiful spinning, Jane! Well done!! And those little sweaters! Too sweet! :)

    The short story book sounds very intriguing! I am off to see if my library has a copy!

  2. What pretty yarn! As Kat says, beautiful spinning. And both sweaters are so cute. The baby sweater is just darling and I love the color for Norah's sweater. And, again, like Kat, I will be looking for that book at my library - the reviews on Amazon are all so good!!

  3. Wow, Jane - you're making gorgeous yarn! I love the color and the texture in that skein you just plied. and the knitting looks great, too - Cricket is a new-to-me pattern and looks perfect for a little girl. Bookmarking!

  4. I am not usually much of a short story reader either, but that book you are reading sounds so interesting. I love your spinning and the baby sweaters - especially the one with all the different colors. So cute. You are very talented at your craft. See you again soon. :-)

  5. I am so glad you are enjoying the Polwarth -- it's truly my favorite breed to spin, and it always amazes me that one component of it comes from Lincoln sheep (Lincoln is a long wool that feels like human hair to me, nothing like the puffy softness of Polwarth!). Your little skein is beautiful and squooshy-looking!

    I have the same issue with short stories; I usually get frustrated that my time with the characters is limited, especially if I really like the characters. In spite of that, I seem to be reading a lot of collections this year. My favorites have been The Office of Historical Corrections and The Secret Lives of Church Ladies.

  6. I have learned a great deal about what I don't know about spinning just from this post. I'm intrigued and your yarns are lovely. Kudos to your husband for the pic. Spin, knit and read on!

  7. Wow your baby sweaters are just adorable. Nice work! I am listening to a podcast on....grief of all things. It is fascinating. A four part series. I guess I know that as we age, grief becomes more an expected part of life. This series is interesting and not too sad. A lot of comedians participated

  8. so much pretty knitting and spinning! I just started to knit a little bit in the evenings, I'm hoping my afternoons will free up soon.

  9. Well done on the spinning and I love that baby sweater. The colors are so sweet
