Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Oh Gauge

The row of zinnias in front of the tomato patch is in full bloom and makes me happy. The oregano is out of control and bolting all over. I'm torn between cutting the flowers off and leaving it for the bees. Next spring I'm going to thin that plant. I have oregano enough for an Italian restaurant. I am not complaining but the plant is leggy while the leaves are a little smaller than I'd like.  

If the oregano and tomatoes are bountiful, the knitting is a little sparse. Last Friday evening I was cruising down the body of Norah's sweater and knit an inch past the row for adding in waste yarn for the pockets. Mind you the pockets sit just above the bottom ribbing. Sunday, during daylight hours, I laid the sweater on the table to rip back. Off the needles, the body looked way too big for the toddler size 4, as in the chest circumference measured 31 inches. Sure enough my gauge was way off. I swear I did knit and wash a gauge swatch and thought I had the correct gauge. I went down one needle size which is typical but I can't knit this yarn on smaller needles. Even if I knit the 2 Toddler size (the smallest size) the sweater will be too big for Norah. I am considering my options to either rework the pattern via Math or find a different pattern. The color is off in the photo but at this point I'm not sure that matters. 

I did finish the fingerless mitts out of some Rios and handspun Cormo. I didn't use a pattern. The palm is a little large for me but they are certainly wearable. I'm knitting on the second slipper. 

Thank you for all your kind comments about our air conditioner. Fortunately it was an easy fix. The repair man arrived around 3:45 p.m. as promised. We needed two parts that he had in his truck. The unit also needed a good cleaning. My husband helped by hooking up the hose and nozzle and generally schmoozing him along. The man commented on the tomato patch so we tipped him with a few fresh tomatoes. By 5:30 p.m. the A/C was up and running and the house was blessedly cool by the time we went to bed. I feel as if someone was watching out for us that day. I had visions of waiting two weeks or so for a part or a new unit. I am grateful for air conditioning. 

I reread Red at the Bone as it is my book groups September discussion book. It was every bit as good the second time around. I predict a good discussion about class, race, and family dynamics. Jacqueline Woodson has won several awards for her writing so I plan to read about her prior to the discussion. I'm listening to Band of Sisters and find it an average historical novel. The narration is well done and the story keeps me company as I preserve tomatoes. 

Whatever is keeping you busy, enjoy these August days.


  1. I'm usually pretty lucky when it comes to gauge . . . but when I struggle with it, I REALLY struggle with it. So sorry you're having to contend with gauge issues. The pink sweater will be so sweet . . . even if it ends up being a different pattern than you originally selected. I'm so glad your a/c was quickly and easily repaired! I, too, am grateful for air conditioning during sticky, hot summer days.

  2. Sorry about the gauge issues. Gauge may be a big part of why I knit Hitchhikers which don't matter one bit if they're a little larger or smaller. I'm thrilled that your a/c was an easy fix, and he had the parts on the truck. You must be living a good and virtuous life for the a/c gods to reward you like that! Your handspun looks so lovely in those mitts!

  3. I love zinnias and have also had quite a few in my garden this year. I am not a knitter (wish I was) but I love to see the beautiful things you knit. You are very talented. I am going to look for the book you mentioned, Red at the Bone - sound like one I might like. Glad your week is going well.

  4. Your zinnias are lovely! as are those mitts, with handspun!! good luck on the toddler sweater ... I do hate it when the swatch lies ;-)

  5. Jane
    Your finger1ess are perfection.
    As for the misbehaving sweater, I say , find an even better pattern.

  6. We have the same explosion of oregano here. I haven't done anything to it, but it's going to require some attention soon.

    I wonder if you could find another suitable pattern for Nora by searching for the gauge you're actually getting? There is a way to search by gauge on Ravelry, and there are tons of toddler sweaters on there.

  7. I love the the fingerless mitts! Was it hard to knit them?
