Sunday, October 3, 2021

This Season

Autumn has arrived. Yellow birch leaves fall on the front yard. The maples are turning red and the remaining Ash trees begin their transition from a tinge of gold to deep eggplant. Last Wednesday I walked in the morning and purposely took the route around a huge block that includes a park and public elementary school. I walked that way so I could stand at the crest of a gentle slope that affords a wide open view of the sky. That morning clouds were building in the northwest ahead of a cool front. Sunlight from the east meant the northwest sky was that autumn gray-blue with undertones of lavender that I love so much. 

I came home intending to write a blog post. While looking over my knitting for the post, my sister called to tell me our brother John, 67,  had passed away. He and his wife and one daughter were on vacation when he died unexpectedly. They were at a beach house enjoying the outdoors they loved. 

And so the season changes. While our hearts are heavy, we are richer for having had John in our lives. He was a wonderful brother, husband, father, grandfather, and friend. Whether he was sledding with his grandchildren, training labrador retrievers with his daughter or friends, or smoking a rack of ribs for a group, he loved the outdoors. His successful newspaper career took him all over the midwest working as circulation manager and then as publisher/editor of several papers. Wherever he and his family lived, they made a circle of close friends. He was a good partner as we helped our parents through the end of their lives. As my sibs and I became increasingly busy with our own families, John checked in via phone with all of us. Usually once in every conversation, he'd say, "We should all get together." We should have done that more often that's for sure. Sometime later we will gather to celebrate his life. He wanted to get us together but I'm pretty sure this isn't what he had in mind. 

James, John
Jane, Julie

This past June my sibs and I had a few golden hours together in Minnesota. I am grateful for that time and for the photos we took. We all will miss him. 

This autumn, he and his family, as well as others who have lost loved ones this year will be on my mind. The falling leaves are a gentle bittersweet reminder to let go with grace. To everything there is a season. 


  1. So sorry for your loss. May your memories comfort you!

  2. I'm very sorry to hear about he loss of your brother, and you, your siblings and his family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Seasons change and we sadly lose people that are important to us, but I hope your loving memories will provide some comfort.

  3. I am so sorry for your loss. Life is fleeting and uncertain. May your memories of your brother bring you peace at this difficult time.

  4. I'm so sorry, Jane. Your brother, John, sounds like a wonderful man, a wonderful brother. I will hold you and your family in my heart. XOXO

  5. I am so very sorry, Jane. It sounds like he was a wonderful many who will be very missed. May his memory be a blessing to you and your entire family.

  6. I am so sorry for your loss! Such sad news to receive. He sounds like a great sibling and I am glad you have fond memories. Sending prayers to you and your family.

  7. I am so sorry for you loss. The unexpected loss and for someone who is pretty young, that is really hard. I am also connecting to the fact that you and your siblings all have J names. All 5 of us had J names as well as mom and dad. My brother John also passed away unexpectedly in 2019. I will be thinking of you and that tender space left by this loss.

  8. Oh Jane, I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you find comfort in your memories. I'll be thinking of you and your family.

  9. Jane, I am so very sorry for your 1oss. Your words are so comforting to ME! They have a way of showing your love for him and your appreciation for what God'gave to you in him. Again, I'm sorry jane
