Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Sunshine and Coffee

The sun shines and the air is cold. This morning I took time off from December for a massage. The owners of Bella are meticulous with Covid protocols so I feel safe. I enjoyed every minute and had a hard time getting up from the table covered in a heated mattress pad. What a luxury. I came home and made deaf coffee with a splash of warm oat milk and dash of cinnamon. Anyway, here I am, linking with Kat and the other Unravelers

I finished the scrappy Christmas Quilt and placed it over the bannister. I love the four embroidered squares. It is nice to have this three year project off my sewing table. I also finished sewing a little apron for Norah as part of her Christmas gift. I chose Minnie Mouse fabric and bubble-gum pink bias tape trim using this free pattern. If you come home with two packages of Double Fold bias tape (instead of one double and one single) it doesn't take much time at all. Honestly, the applied bias tape looks fine in person. The photo reflects the shadows and makes it look wrinkly. I included a pink frosting spreader, pink sprinkles, and Minnie Mouse cupcake papers with the apron. Norah loves Minnie Mouse and she stands at the counter on a step-stool while her Mom cooks. I did not include any Minnie Mouse cookie cutters to prevent constant requests for cut-out cookies. We would like to be invited back.  

Last week I flitted between knitting projects. Organizing and wrapping Christmas packages for my children and grandchildren must have required most of my focus. At least that is my excuse. I put a few rows on my sweater, cast on some mitts that seemed fiddly and not the right color before I landed on this garter stitch shawl. Years ago I bought red yarn to make the Wool Peddler's Shawl, a pattern in the book Folk Shawls. The sample in the book was red and I wanted to make one. I frogged the project last Spring but tried again this month. It's going well and the garter stitch body is what I need just now. 

I set aside the Prairie Shawl until I spin up the remaining gold fiber. I'd like to know how much yardage I actually have and the spindle and I are out of sync. I need a quiet hour or two and some practice fiber to recover my tenuous muscle memory of spinning. I don't have a lot of gold fiber and I don't want to ruin what remains. So I set the fiber, the spindle, and the shawl aside for another day. 

I am reading The Paper Palace, the January selection for my local book group. I'm just into it so don't have an opinion yet. I'm also reading Moments of Being, a posthumous publication of memoir writing by Virginia Woolf. It is interesting to read her reflections about her parents and siblings. The way her mind worked fascinates me. For me, Woolf is reading for the daylight hours. I'm reading myself to sleep with some Christmas stories. I need a little sugar now and then.   

I hope you find some unexpected treats in these December days. 

Ravelry Link

Red Wool Peddler's Shawl


  1. Focusing on gifts for your children and grandchildren doesn't sound like an excuse, especially when you've made such a thoughtful gift for Norah! Your Christmas quilt is lovely, especially with the embroidered squares. I hope you enjoy knitting your delightful red shawl, some spinning, and maybe even another massage someday!

  2. Oh I've been meaning to book a has been so long and I know I really need it! Maybein the coming week I can squeeze one in. I love the apron you have made for Norah and that will be such a fun gift for her with all the things to go along with it. I took a look at the pattern for the Peddler's Shawl - very, very pretty. wishing you peaceful time to knit and spin and dream. Enjoy!

  3. I laughed right out loud at the cut out cookie comment! And I love that darling little apron!

  4. That apron is just darling, and I love the gifts you've chosen to go with it! (Not including a cookie cutter was a smart move!)

  5. beautiful quilt and I love the embroidery you did on it. The apron is so sweet and little, it will be perfect for her.

  6. Still chuckling about the cookie cutter! :-) The little apron is just wonderful! Little Norah is going to love wearing it while she helps out in the kitchen. May you enjoy your gentle Christmas days. XO

  7. Jane your stitching - with thread, floss, and yarn - is all so delightful! That Norah is one lucky girl and I'm sure you'll be invited for baking dates :-)

  8. A red shawl - so fun and cheerful! I just put a hold on the Virginia Wolfe book too.
