Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Happy Graduations

Good morning. The sky is partly cloudy and the air is cool for the first of June. As sunshine comes from behind the clouds, I think of my Mom. When she noticed a patch of blue in a cloudy sky, she stopped what she was doing to say, "oh look, there's a little bit of blue sky." She found such joy in life. She would have loved this past weekend when our family celebrated two public high school graduations. My niece graduated with honors in Montana and our grandson graduated in Texas. I wish I could have been at both graduations. My sister and husband drove to Montana to celebrate with my brother and his daughter. My husband and I met our daughter in Texas to celebrate with our son and his family. We are so proud of both graduates. 

Our warm Texas weekend was full of family, joy, and hope. Austin is college bound with an academic and athletic scholarship. When the doors of the arena opened to five hundred and twenty five diverse graduates smiling from ear to ear, I was moved to tears. Pomp and Circumstance does that to me but this year felt particularly poignant. I felt a mixture of joy and sadness. The school years of these young people were not marred by senseless gun violence. All children deserve to be safe at school and in their communities. 

At any rate, there is nothing like a long road trip with audiobooks for finishing a pair of socks. I do not recommend the pattern I used. It is a free revised pattern but contains several errors. I also knit two dish cloths and am almost to the end of the dishcloth yarn. Here's a word to the wise knitter: a skein of KnitPicks Dishie has almost double the yardage as Sugar and Cream. By the time I knit up the 4 skeins I bought for potholders (and only crocheted two), I'm going to have extra dish cloths for gifts. 

Before we left town, I listened to The Henna Artist, a novel my local group is discussing soon. The reader was great. The descriptions of Indian cuisine, fabric, and Hindu customs were lush with sensory detail. The characters were very human. I could predict some plot turns but the armchair travel to India made a great audio book for me. 

Since I end with knitting and reading, I'll link with Kat and the Unravelers. May this new month of June bring warm sunny gentle days. 

Ravelry Link

Valentine Socks


  1. Congratulations to the graduates! It's so nice to hear about happy things and reasons for celebrations.

  2. Congratulations to your graduates! That is such a lovely milestone... and a stepping stone to new pathways in life!

    Thank you for the book sounds perfect!

  3. Congratulations to your family's graduates. I'm like you - Pomp and Circumstance always makes me tear up. Despite the issue with the pattern you used, your socks are lovely. I had been thinking of getting some Dishie to try...hoping it would be a little easier on my hands than Sugar & Cream. Thanks for the book recommendation - I've added it to my ever expanding TBR list.

  4. Congratulations to all of the graduates in your family and all the support they received from family. I wish them all bright and peaceful futures. I may look for some Dishie and that book. My dr. was going to attend an Indian wedding ceremony and she had lovely henna designs painted all over both hands and wrists. They were just beautiful and it was nice to hear about the process from her. I hope June brings many more days with bits of blue skies.

  5. What a wonderful season for your family! Congratulations all around! I wish your special graduates much joy and success as they pursue their dreams and goals. XO (And those socks still make me think of peppermint ice cream! YUM!)

  6. congrats to the graduates! How nice to have a road trip (and knit) to celebrate a milestone - you must be proud!! Congrats on A's scholarships he must have worked hard to achieve them. May he have good college years ahead!!

  7. How wonderful to be able to celebrate with your family! Congratulations to the graduates. Love your beautiful socks too 😊

  8. What a joy to be celebrating TWO graduations ... in PERSON!! I'm glad you were able to see one and share in the other. Congratulations to all! (and thank you for that book rec - my neighborhood bookclub is gearing back up and that one sounds perfect for us!)
