Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Swinging into Summer

Here in southeast Nebraska, the summer days have arrived. This week's high temperatures are in the 90's. I walked shortly after 8:00 a.m. in a lovely 72 degrees but these mornings are numbered. This past Saturday brought a welcome bit of rain. Conditions continue to be dry and the reservoirs for city water are lower than usual so the city has issued voluntary water restrictions for outdoor watering. The restrictions make good sense. 

My garden is growing although I can't get zinnia seed to germinate this year. I've tried twice to put in the two short rows in front of the tomatoes and have three lonely flower stalks. I harvest zinnia seeds every fall and store them in the shed in a brown paper sack. I've always thought of them as fool proof but maybe not. The pollinator garden is growing and I spied a bumblebee in the lavender last week. I moved one stepping stone to make room for a Husker Red Penstemon. The garden is complete for this year. I'll be making notes and possibly adjusting it next Spring. 

Wednesday is the day for posts from Kat and the Unravelers. I don't have much knitting that is new but then that is how my knitting goes. I finished the Handspun Mittens and the Knitmeg Socks. The mittens came out very well. It's amazing how the slightly irregular thickness of handspun yarn is absorbed into the fabric and is not easily noticed. Knitting with handspun is a little big of magic. One has to embrace the irregular unexpected but often delightful way the yarn knits up a finished item. It's good for me. 

Because it is summer, I cast on a pair of shortie socks from a partial skein. I picked up a mini skein to go with the yarn from my LYS.  These seemed like summer colors. I rarely knit with coral or orange but I really like this shade. Hopefully I have enough yarn to complete the pair. If not I'll find another mini skein. I'm knitting along with the Knit Paper Scissors Summer Sock Camp. 

As for reading, I'm listening to The White Lady by Jacqueline Winspear. Winspear is the author of the Maisie Dobbs mystery series. Right now this is a stand alone novel with a different heroine. I wonder if Winspear is thinking of writing a new series. It is an easy summer listen. I'm also dipping into an anthology of work by Willa Cather. I decided to reread some from my bookshelves. What do I keep these books if not to reread them? While (in my opinion) poetry was not Cather's strongest writing, the short stories stand the test of time. 

How can it be the third Wednesday in June? This month goes by too quickly. Happy Summer.

Ravelry Links

Knitmeg Socks 

Handspun Mittens

Summer Shorties



  1. Whenever a new spinner complains that their handspun is uneven, I always tell them to knit with it -- because you're right about it being magical in how the inconsistencies seem to vanish when the yarn becomes fabric! I'm sure you won't be using those mittens for a good long time, but all the same it must be nice to have them done so they'll be ready to go on the first cold day.

  2. Your mittens are beautiful - the colors, your handspun, and the pattern. It will be nice to have them ready and waiting for you when winter arrives. Both of those pairs of socks are quite nice, too. Here's hoping you get some rain soon and your gardens grow.

  3. Those handspun mitts are fabulous Jane! How amusing (to me) that you announce their completion on the Summer Solstice - ha! But, you will be enjoying them before we know it. Your Knitmeg socks are so cute - I printed out that pattern after you mentioned it the other week. and I love the coral in your new shortie socks. I took a walk right after Sunday breakfast - not even doing the dishes because I wanted to get out prior to the heat of the day. Fletch had the same problem with zinnias! After several plantings, they have finally sprouted. Rain is in our forecast for tomorrow and Friday and possibly beyond...I'll try to push some out your way.

  4. those mittens are fabulous - and I love what you write about the magic of knitting with your handspun! Your gardens are so pretty and how nice to be in a note-taking stage (sorry about the zinnias).

  5. Your handspun mittens are beautiful, Jane. Brava! And I love the new shorties. Thanks for the heads up about the new Jacqueline Winspear! I've seen it circulating through my library but assumed it was a Maisie Dobbs that I just needed to get to. It's going on my list!

  6. Your handspun mittens are beautiful! (and I am nodding in agreement with Sarah's thoughts on knitting with your handspun!)

    Your socks are too cute, though! That is a new to me pattern and I am looking in my stash for a yarn that will make that pattern shine!

  7. I like both Jacqueline Winspear and Willa Cather. I didn't know that The White Lady was a stand alone novel. I love your socks and your mittens. I hope you have a great summer!

  8. Your knitting is always so fun. I love it all; especially the knitmeg socks. They look simple, but interesting at the same time. Can't wait to see how the shorty socks work up.

  9. my sister had problems with her zinnia starting this year as well, weird. We have some cooler weather this week and my husband is sad but I'm glad because I do not like it hot!!
