Saturday, October 20, 2018

Home to Autumn

I have been away for a bit. We traveled to Connecticut and had the best week with our daughter and son-in-law and their busy family. While visiting I put my phone on silent and used it to take some photos and sent a few to our son and my sister. We shared pictures among ourselves so I wasn't behind the camera as often. Instead of checking the news and fuming over the latest event, I spent more time reading to my grandchildren, holding little Norah, playing ball, and walking a bit with my daughter and the children. I savored every extraordinary day.

We met our newborn granddaughter, Norah and once again marveled at this beautiful new little one - so welcomed and so loved. I played catch with Micah and read to his preschool class. 

We played"diggers" with Jonah and read to him for an hour at a time. We walked Emmett to and from school and played with all them on the playground and indoors on a rainy day. I hoped we helped more than upset their new routine. 

After two weeks of rainy gray weather in Nebraska, I loved seeing the sun above the cloud cover. The travel angels shepherded us out to Connecticut. We encountered no flight delays even though our connection was in Atlanta the day Hurricane Michael swept ashore. Our hearts go out to those picking up the pieces in Florida and elsewhere. 

Perhaps it was a good omen when my knitting matched the color of the sky during the early morning take-off. I cast on socks just before we left. The free pattern with the easy mock cable motif down the leg is a nice uncomplicated diversion from plain stockinette. The sock yarn has a great hand and comes with generous yardage. I knit a sock and a half so this project will go with me to Texas in a week or so.

We arrived home to gorgeous autumn days. The Connecticut foliage was just beginning to turn, a little unusual for October in the Northeast. Today in Nebraska, the crimson maples, the rich golds and bright yellows against a bright blue sky lift my spirits as I miss the hugs and shoulder to shoulder time with Kate and her family. 

After the usual returning home chores and errands, I picked up Norah's Christmas stocking. She doesn't need the Christmas quilt until she is out of her crib but should have a stocking on the mantel this year. I ordered some new-to-me bobbins called E-Z Bobs. As long as I don't make them heavy with too much yarn, they work better. The plastic sides flip open and closed keeping the yarn securely wound. The old-style bobbins constantly unwound creating even more tangled yarn.

I must go out and enjoy this crisp fall day. We are going to pull the tomato and zinnia plants that froze while we were gone. The tomato party is over but the pumpkin spice season is in full swing. To everything there is a season . . .

Have a good weekend. 


  1. Oh, Jane! She is precious! How fun for you to spend such a nice spate of days with them, and I am sure they loved having you there! Welcome home!

  2. Nora is so sweet. I love her stocking. Can you tell me the pattern please?

  3. What a marvelous trip! Your days in Connecticut sound halcyon and lovely, and I'm glad you had such a wonderful time with sweet Norah and her family. I hope your next trip to TX is just as easy and enjoyable.

  4. You and Norah are adorable, so glad you were able to visit and turn off the world. You did not miss anything at all. It's the same old same old. I love the stocking in progress!! Blessings to your grands :)

  5. I'm so glad you had such a wonderful visit with your family in Connecticut. Little Norah is sweet as can be -- and the little boys, too! (I have such fond memories of my own little boy with "real rubble" in his dump trucks. . . ) You were so wise to turn off the "noise" and just savor each moment with your family. XOXO

  6. what a marvelous best. And it sounds as if you took advantage of every moment. I'm sure the time just flew by.....adorable grands. Enjoy the fall season. Hoping it lingers this's never long enough for me!
