Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Wool Sock Weather

Last week we drove to Fort Worth to visit the Texas crew. While we were gone, wool sock weather arrived on the prairie. On a brisk Wednesday afternoon, we drove south through Kansas. Hawks, hunting and staking out territory, perched on fence posts, trees, or utility poles about every thirty miles. Near a rest area, bittersweet bloomed and I peeped into a tiny nest. All afternoon, the sky and light changed. Snow and rain clouds gathered in the west. By early dusk, the sky was the most beautiful gradient of grays and blue-gray lavenders layered with a hint of mauve. The colors would be perfect for a shawl. We stopped overnight in Wichita and left early the next morning in order to dodge snow and DFW rush hour traffic.

We had a nice visit with our son and his family. Thursday evening we cheered Austin at his last freshman football game. We spent the first half in the stands and the second half standing under an entry to the bleachers, sheltered from a downpour. Bundled in layers and our red Nebraska ponchos, we stood out like sore thumbs but kept reasonably dry. We ventured out when his team had the ball. My daughter-in-law and I worked a jigsaw puzzle over two days. Saturday we watched the Nebraska football game and played an impossible Sherlock Holmes game. We laughed at the complex riddles and then threw out the rules to brainstorm solutions as a group. Cooperation versus competition is not a bad thing. That evening we ate dinner at a small family owned Italian restaurant where every sauce and dish is made from scratch. Pops threw the football with Austin and I walked around the neighborhood with him. He is quite the grown up young man. Chatting with him is a joy.

A one-way ten hour drive plus more time for potty stops meant plenty of knitting time. I finished the pair of socks I began on the flight to Connecticut. This free pattern with the little mock cable is great travel knitting. I also knit two pair of fingerless mitts and began the third for the three younger grandsons. Those boys thought fingerless mitts would be just the ticket for outdoor play. Little Norah will get a pair of thumbless mittens to cover all of her fingers.

Last week, I finished reading A Warrior of the People. The story of the first Native American woman physician, Susan La Fleche and her family is remarkable. She was equally at home in Connecticut parlors and at Omaha powwows. I love her story but wish it had been written differently. The author had access to La Fleche's many journals and letters but included only a few quotes from them. I wanted to know more of her, hear her voice, and read prose that was more than a list of her many accomplishments. The book is readable though. Last night I finished Pachinko. Discrimination experienced by immigrants bears reading and continued thought. The challenges and expectations of women in the story would make a good book group discussion. Although the novel was entertaining and the characters well developed, I wasn't wowed by it.

I will link with Kat and the Unravelers. I missed them last week.

Now it is November. May your feet be warm and your Thanksgiving preparations filled with joy, gratitude, and loved ones. Welcome wool sock weather.


  1. How wonderful to be able to visit your Texas-family and catch your grandson's football game! Texas is One Big State . . . When we lived there (in Austin), I was always shocked at how long the drive was -- just to get out of Texas. :-) I love your socks -- and all the little mitts. Enjoy your preparations for Thanksgiving.
    PS - I didn't much care for Pachinko, either, although I did find the perspective quite educational.

  2. And we missed you last week! I'm glad you had a good visit. Thanks to your vivid words, I have a lovely mental picture of fall on the prairie during your drive to TX, two pairs of fingerless mitts and one in progress, and one lovely warm pair of wool socks. Stay warm and enjoy your Thanksgiving preparations!

  3. Beautiful writing! What a lovely, but quick trip! I also enjoyed and thought much about Pachinko... but I was not wowed either. But, I agree - it would be a good discussion book.

    Lovely knitting... those socks! Gorgeous!

  4. I like your socks :) Wow you've been doing lots of traveling!! Lovely trip and I'm glad you saw your son and his family. I loved Pachinko (the ending was okay but the whole story was pretty good).

  5. I love your socks. IT is sock weather isn' it? Im glad you had family time. We are so so blessed to have Zach in our area again. Im counting the days until we meet and share thanksgiving with him for the first time in 3 years. Your fingerless are lovely

  6. The visit will your family sounds so lovely!
    Your Impossible Girl socks turned out gorgeous. That pattern is one of my very favorites.

  7. I love the description of your ride to TX. Glad you were able to visit family. Your socks and mitts are so pretty. It is definitely sock weather here!!
