Wednesday, June 12, 2019

This and That

Here we are almost smack in the middle of these lovely June days. My tomato patch could use more heat but all in good time. Today is bright, breezy, and cool - perfect walking weather. Sunday, in honor of Father's Day, I plan to bake my husband one of his favorite desserts, lemon bars. My Dad was very fond of good pastry. He grew up in a rural family and community of "from scratch pastry makers." Most were farm wives with plenty of eggs, butter, and lard on hand. When he drove into Omaha for his cardiology appointment, he often stopped on the way out of town to pick up several caramel pecan sticky buns from a favorite bakery/restaurant. He also loved Mom's pies with flaky homemade crust. All the shortening in the pastries didn't keep him from living into his early 80's. I'm not sure what to glean from this memory except that life is to be enjoyed and a little pastry now and then won't hurt. A good cardiologist isn't a bad idea either.

My knitting is treating me well this week. I finished Norah's little swirly hat. Looking at this photo, I notice the ribbing of the hat and sweater don't match but she isn't going to care. Who is going to notice that on a cute toddler? The hat pattern was fun to knit, a change from the typical stocking hat. I also cast on a sweater. Sometime last fall or winter I bought the yarn for a sweater I didn't knit. Although I continue to swatch, gauge is a mystery to me. This pattern calls for DK yarn but I am very close to the suggested gauge with a fingering weight yarn.  The lace inset at the neck is fun and easy to knit. So far so good.

I abandoned the audio version of The Woman's Hour: The Great Fight to Win the Vote by Elaine Weiss. The narrators, Weiss and another woman, were too dramatic with the different voices. The topic is interesting to me so I may read the print version. A narrator can make or break an audio book. I've gone on to Transcription by Kate Atkinson. The story isn't as compelling as Life after Life but Atkinson is a good writer and the narrator's interpretation is pleasing so I am enjoying the story. I read A Place in the Woods by Helen Hoover. Whew! What a hard life they lived after they first moved to the shore of Lake Superior. Establishing livable space was not for the faint of heart. Hoover reminds me of something a friend who served in the Peace Corps once said, "A simple life isn't easier." I am a fan of running water and electricity. Hoover's story reminds me not to take them for granted. I did love the descriptions of flora and fauna in the North Woods. Hoover's writing paired with her husband's pen and ink drawings is a treat. I'm almost finished with Seeds. The book is chock full of interesting information about seeds but one I read mostly during the day and not before bed. Reading during the day feels like a guilty pleasure akin to eating a favorite pastry. Maybe I should try it more often. Do you read during the day? 

Click over to Kat and the Unravelers for inspiration. Enjoy this Father's Day weekend.


  1. I feel the same way about reading during the day! Definitely a guilty pleasure for me -- especially when there's work to be done. (But I'm getting used to it!) I love your knitting projects. That little swirly hat is so sweet. I enjoyed Transcription, but much preferred Life After Life and God in Ruins.

  2. Taht swirly hat is just too cute and perfect with the sweater. Norah is a lucky child!! Peasy is a very pretty pattern. I'll enjoy seeing your progress on that.

    I'm still not reading very much (I think this is the first time in my life!!). Nothing is grabbing me and not letting me go...or my mood is such that reading isn't what I want to do I have, however, read during the day in the past and enjoy it immensely. No guilt here!

    I'm also a fan of running water and electricity - I would not have made a very good pioneer - lol.

  3. I need to read life after life...I wonder if it is on my kindle! I didn't notice the different ribs so that says it's all okay, ha ha ha. Seriously though the knitting is beautiful and little N will look lovely in her new garments.

  4. I loved Life After Life! Thank you for the reminder about Kate's writing!

    Gauge - the sometimes unsolvable mystery of knitting! Your sweater looks like it is off to a lovely start!

  5. One day my neighbor came over to find me sitting in the shade, reading. Her comment was, "I can't just sit and read. I always feel like I should be doing something." My response was "I am doing something. I am reading a book!"

  6. The knit pieces are all adorable...and I love the story of your dad's "sweet tooth!" I read mostly in the daytime, especially in the morning...usually about 8 pm, my day is done...

  7. My grandparents were both raised on farms and they thought there was nothing wrong with consuming butter, milk, eggs, and lard, even in the form of pastries, as long as it was balanced by plenty of hard farm work. Norah's swirly hat is wonderfully unique and so sweet! I also love the lace inset on your pink sweater, and am intrigued by the Hummingbird Nest poetry book in the first photo. I'm off to look it up, and may even read it in the daytime once I find it!

  8. Oh that hat is adorable. Lucky babies. My grandma lived to 95. She rarely drank, never smoked, and believed in butter and sugar every day. I love some authors but I cannot bear their voices on audio. Im slowly reading a book by a monk : thomas merton

  9. That's a wonderful hat! I like that sweater pattern. It's going to look great. Gauge is a mystery to me too. I never get it right, so I just jump in and see where things end up (I don't mind frogging every once in a while).

  10. Peasy has been in my queue for ages. I'm sure I'll make it eventually. Such a classic design but with extra details.

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  12. So many lovely knit pieces.
    A little sweet never hurt anyone.. everything in moderation.

  13. This weekend I read during the day and I look forward to a time (retirement) when I can read during the day more often. I also have that sweater in my queue
