Friday, November 1, 2019

October Journal of Wonder

What would happen is we all made a cup of tea and read a poem?

From Tracy K. Smith's Wade in the Water : "What is the soul allowed to keep?" (poem - Landscape)
I wonder how to answer this question - the feel of the wind, the mauve at sunset, the moments with dear ones, . . . 

I wonder what sort of shawl this yarn wants to be? I wonder about creating my own design.

Why do the birds lift my spirits? How shall I care for them?

What will become of scraps of paper and yarns when I am gone?

I wonder if my Montana niece has ever tasted semmel (the family hard roll)?

I wonder what word I will choose for 2020?

What do I choose to attend to? How does my attention affect the way I see a blue October sky?

Where are the chickadees? Am I seeing fewer birds or is it the power of suggestion from reading articles?

Why is diversity so disconcerting to some?

I wonder what I could learn from the leaves? Perhaps letting go is as important as holding on.

I wonder if it is possible to outgrow friendships? or do they just change?

I wonder why I've only now learned that peppermint oil is a balm for some mild tension headaches.

I wonder when I will see the first measurable snowfall.

Although I am a little late to the party, I'm linking with Juliann of Chasing Stories to post October's Journal of Wonder.  And into November we go.


  1. I have not seen any Chickadees either - it is worrying! But, this post is not one to worry over, rather it is one to let soak in and savor! Thank you!

  2. I do like this post so much! We had fewer chickadees last winter, but we have already seen them this Fall! Frost is forecast for tonight. The feeders are full and I hope all the birds will be content.

  3. Thank you for sharing your Wonder with us, Jane - I love this post! I'm not sure about the chickadees, but we do still have plenty of cardinals (male and female), goldfinches and blue jays (also Crows, but honestly most days, I wish we had fewer of them). I wonder some of the same things ... and this week why 50 degrees in October feels so cold, but 50 degrees in March feels like summer?!

  4. I hope your papers and yarns go to someone as beautiful as you :) Love when you write!!

  5. I missed this post but happy to find it this morning. I love your wondering. I also look forward to seeing what that yarn will become!
