Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Stepping into the Season

This week the sun shines and the sky is bright blue. Walking in a mid-weight jacket, cowl, and mittens is glorious. My plan is to finish my small amount of shopping in the next few days so packages can be mailed next week. We will see - the best laid plans oft go astray. Today I am cleaning before getting out the nativity set and Christmas stockings.

In the meantime, I ponder how to step into this season. How will I hold kindness, grace, hope, and peace at the same time? This week I gather with two longstanding groups of friends to celebrate the season and our friendship. Although the dates happen early in the month by chance, the gatherings are a good way to begin. One group came together through our work as educators and makers, the other group over books. I treasure the fellowship in both groups. No matter our differences, we have each others' backs.

Over the weekend, I finished the raspberry sweater. I am pleased with it. I knit it for warm casual wear and it is comfy. I don't have a photo today because my photographer is not home, my hair over one ear is sticking out six ways to Sunday, and I am wearing housecleaning duds. There is real life and then there is life that is just too real.

I pulled this shawl project out of hibernation. Every now and then I try to create a project with yarn and patterns on hand. A few years ago, pattern sales on Ravelry were a siren call. I am trying to do better. Last night I knit the color change for the third time. Color change in the moss stitch was awkward. I shortened that panel in order to change color in the garter stitch ridges. Then I tried the white yarn but the contrast was a bit jarring. I went back to the darker shade of blue. Just getting my money's worth out of the yarn.

This shawl is meant for wrapping up at home and I enjoy this yarn so I'm going to let the slow easy knitting carry me into the season. I have two more non-knitting projects this month, jelly in the kitchen and a little bookmaking. Then I'll bake a few cookies and write cards, two of my favorite things to do.

I am listening to The Dutch House. I wondered if Tom Hanks' narration would be a distraction but it is not. His emotional expression is subtle but appropriate. For some reason, the way he enunciates the chapter numbers makes me smile. Patchett is one of my favorite writers so I am enjoying this novel.

As I link with Kat and the Unravelers, I wish you an early December full of promise and peace.


  1. I am chuckling at your statement: "There is real life and then there is life that is just too real."

    True facts are so true! lol

    I am with you on hoping to have packages ready to mail out by midweek next week! And, go you on The Dutch House... my favorite book of the year!

  2. I'm a proponent of real life, and hope we get to see your raspberry sweater someday. I do enjoy your approach to the season, and reading your post has helped to calm a few nerves that I've allowed to become frazzled. I was at the library today and perused "Shall I Knit You a Hat?" I loved looking at the illustrations of all the animals' hats and am glad I don't have to knit hats with room for long ears and antlers!

  3. Such a soft, calm color for your shawl - I love it (and the pattern is very pretty). I plan to do some baking and some card writing. I have bought gifts that need to be mailed and even started wrapping them (I need to finish that). My knitting is flowing nicely and I'm enjoying. I'm wrapping up the most recent Gamache book (and liking it more as I read more) and Dutch Houses just came through on Overdrive!!

  4. I am a big Ann Patchett fan and look forward to reading Dutch House. Hope your friend celebrations are lovely.

  5. I love that shawl and the way you are using what you have. I have Dutch House in my line up but haven't started it yet. I'm finishing up a Gamache book and I started Grant's bio (which is good!).

  6. I loved Tom Hanks' narration of The Dutch House -- I found it just perfect for the book. And, like you, I got a total kick out of his reading of the chapter numbers! :-) Enjoy your December celebrations and traditions! XO

  7. The shawl is so guernsey. I love it. Glad your gatherings have been fun. We had a barn gathering Saturday. Very fun. My father's funeral and death process made the last 2 weeks fly by and crawl by at the same time. I delight in all the farms that are decorated with lights in the dark countryside. As soon as we get another snow, I'll ask fireman to drive my down Backroad for the Holiday view

  8. oops, I'm sorry I missed your post last week! Completely adored Tom Hanks' narration ... I heard someone say that his reading of the chapter numbers brings back Joe Fox from You've Got Mail and yep, totally ... and also, I love that!!

  9. This is such a wonderful, peaceful approach to what can often be a fit of frazzleness (a word?). I wish you continued moments of peaceful knitting and reading and being. Thank you for sharing your bounty.
