Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Winter's Mix

As I write, a winter mix of precipitation falls. Our weather pattern this month is rain changing to snow changing to sleet. Then a little more snow falls and all of it freezes leaving a layer of ice on the sidewalks and side streets. Yaktrax don't work well because some walks are cleared and others are not. Other than missing my outdoor walks, I like the quiet days of January. A flock of Juncos feeds in our yard. Their simple coloring is crisp and fresh next to the snowy landscape.

Yarn color choices are throwing me for a loop. A post or so ago, Dee remarked how some yarn colors look different in skeins than when they are knitted together into fabric. Amen. I ripped out the shawl I was working on and cast on another. You are probably tired of reading about this yarn. I'm a little tired of it myself so I set it aside for now. I could buy more of one color to make another pattern but I've more than enough yardage for a nice shawl. I am also determined to use the yarn and a pattern I already own.

The cowl is coming along but might be knit from two colors instead of three. I have enough gray and lavender yarn to make a nice cowl. I bought the blue as an accent and liked the colors in the yarn shop. Last night I knit a stripe from the blue and ripped it out. I plan to knit the next section from gray and then try the blue again at the top. Ravelry tells me this is the fourth time I've knit this pattern. That's a win for this pattern.

The baby sweater is the star of my knitting projects. The knitting is easy and the color unwinds from the ball, no decisions are necessary. Knitting for a new little person is a tender joy.

These after the-holidays-before-the spring days seem made for projects requiring time and space. Who wants to clean out the fridge or the kitchen cupboards? Monday I spent an hour or so looking through my book-making books because really I can learn to make anything with a how-to book and the internet. I may get out my tote of book-making supplies and see what happens.

I finished Educated by Tara Westover and then watched a couple of interviews with the author. What a remarkable young woman with an incredible story about what it means to be educated. I happened onto the audio version of Sula read by the author while browsing available fiction on Overdrive. Hearing the story and rich language in Toni Morrison's voice was a treat. Needing something peaceful in hard copy, I chose one of my favorite novels, The Song of a Lark by Willa Cather. When I reread, I notice much more or perhaps I just notice differently because I'm not reading quickly to get to the end of the story.

Jonah loves all things winter. After a morning of sledding, his siblings were happy to go indoors for a mug of hot chocolate and indoor play. Jonah still wanted to make a snowman so his Mom went back out with him. He was also proud to tell me he now knows how to make snow angels. I love his enthusiasm for winter.

As I finish this winter mix and link with Kat and the Unravelers, I hope your knitting, making, and/or reading is treating you well. Stay safe and warm out there as we skate toward the end of January.


  1. I love the gentle rhythm of your days, your observations, and the words you use to describe them. I have no doubt that you will figure out yarn colors that work pleasingly. Jonah and his big smile remind us all that it's fun out there with snowmen and snow angels!

  2. I am with Bonny - I really love the rhythm of your days, and how you share them with all of us!

    You are preaching to the choir here on picking yarn colors - it never works well for me!

    And, there is nothing like the exuberance of children in the snow to make you re-evaluate wintery days!

  3. Oh I had to look up more patterns by each of your authors. The cowl is really pretty. I have yet to make one, but so many must be a great pattern! Snowmen. I made a snow dog for our neighbors. I remember my son as a toddler, crying, because "all snow is not snowman snow " and he could not make a snow man with a fluffy lake effect snow fall. Enjoy your knitting days!

  4. I love Jonah's snowman -- and his enthusiasm for winter! I love the bright and happy colors of your tiny sweater; perfect for a baby. And I like the soft colors of your cowl. It's just perfect without a highlight color. XO

  5. Jonah's smile, his snowman and his enthusiasm are all so fun! And, like others, I love the rhythm of your days and how you share them with us. Your words are always soothing to me (tender joy - LOVE that). I have re-started things so many times, but to me that is just part of the whole knitting scene. Your little baby sweater is precious. I read Educated, but did not care for it. Willa Cather's Song of the Lark is also a favorite of mine (love all her books).

  6. I knit many 3 color cowls and could easily knit many more, I love how portable the project is and how it uses up half skeins. Your Jonah is lovely and so very happy!! we might be getting your weather soon, they are calling for mixed precip here.

  7. Willa Cather and bird-watching...two of my favorite things! The tiny sweater is precious!

  8. I just finished EDUCATED and I found it captivating ... as in, I could not knit! I had to read. I missed reading you over the holidays. Can you tell my the name of the sweet raglan baby sweater please?

  9. So enjoyed your wintry weather update...and the knitting but especially Jonah’s love of snow. Here’s hoping this weekend gives you a chance for a wintry walk; if not, stay warm and knit/read on!
