Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Early August

August arrives with cooler days. This week I walk at 8:00 a.m. in a long sleeved shirt or light jacket. The unseasonable weather is about right for this topsy-turvy year. The tomato plants are full of green fruit. The pesky squirrels take one bite of the few turning orange and then drop them on the ground. Next year I may go back to my unlovely chicken wire fence. The compost garden is growing too. I pulled tomato plants and a squash vine out of the inside of the bins. Now tomato plants grow between the bins and the shed. Their tenacity makes me smile so for now I'm leaving them to grow. A potato plant grows in the other bin. One year three watermelons grew from the compost. Who knows, maybe this is the fall garden I never seem to plant. As far as I know, the squirrels don't visit the compost bins. 

Since last linking with Kat and the Unravelers, I finished the scrappy sort-of-Local Yarn Shawl above. This project reminds me how much I like a soft subtle color. I modified the pattern to suit the scraps I wanted to use. I knit all but the border at least twice. I knit a middle section three times and eventually left out one ribbed lace pattern. I adjusted the number of rows in most sections until the shawl doesn't much resemble the pattern but I am pleased with the results. Something about knitting and wearing a shawl brings a lot of comfort. Weaving in all the ends was so satisfying. Have I ever mentioned I like closure?  

I combined scraps and a single skein of superwash Corriedale yarn to knit this shawl. The Corriedale softened a little with washing and has a lovely crisp/soft texture. Alas, the base is no longer available. Knit Circus does still dye the colorway so I'm filing that information for future use. I love the soft shade of blue. 

These mitts were a satisfying knit. Alfresco Mitts is a nice free pattern I've now knit three times. 

I am working on some small projects that will become birthday and Christmas gifts and may try a toe-up sock soon. I could also pull out a shawl that's been languishing in a bag this summer. 

Yesterday The Warmth of Other Suns came in on my holds Overdrive account. I read through the beginning chapter and am hooked. I predict I'm going to enjoy the writing, structure, and stories in this book. I recently listened to the On Being interview between Krista Tippett and Isabel Wilkerson, the author of this book, and it was excellent. I know Wilkerson has published, Caste, a new book that is getting wonderful reviews. I am also reading The Book of Longings by Sue Monk Kidd. I have read some of Kidd's other work. Her prose is lyrical. This storyline is intriguing but I find myself anxious when reading about women who had few rights. 

I am sure I'll get accustomed to the changes in Blogger and I shouldn't complain because it is free but why does the technology have to constantly change? If the pictures look a little out of proportion or boringly in the same position, it's because I'm learning to navigate the changes. One more topsy-turvy thing to add to this year's list. I think I'll go put on a shawl and finish my tea. I have plenty to choose from and for that I am grateful. 


  1. The shawl and the fingerless mitts turned out so nicely. I really like the shawl. It looks soft and comforting. No need for a light jacket or long sleeves is still mighty warm. Your post reminds me that Fletch dug potatoes from our garden - they are ready to cook!

  2. Two lovely finishes! and I think you're going to love Warmth of Other Suns (I am holding off on Caste for now - did you read her long-form article for NYT magazine published in early July? I feel like I read the cliff notes). I recently reconnected with Knit Circus (thanks to a local friend moving to Madison this spring). I followed Jaila and supported the shop when it first opened as a brick and mortar shop. It's wonderful to see they're still going strong and to find more supporters in my network here.

  3. Two beautiful finishes indeed! And I am off to add a book or two to my list. Cooler weather would be a welcome thing here! If only you could send some my way! ;)

  4. I also love the soft subtle color in your Scrappy Shawl. It is a really lovely shawl and wonderful that it gave comfort in the knitting and will provide the same in the wearing. And those zinnias are a perfect accompaniment for your mitts. I hope the squirrels behave a bit better in the weeks ahead (but I don't think I'll place any bets on it)!

  5. That shawl is just stunning. I LOVe the blue. I bet you look great in it. Really, its fantastic

  6. I thoroughly enjoyed The Warmth of Other Suns. Beautiful shawl.

  7. The shawl is stunning! There's just enough color in it, and it looks like it will be wonderful to wrap around your neck to ward off a slight chill.

    I am still waiting for The Warmth of Other Suns, but the wait time is getting shorter -- I'm currently 46th in line, with 38 copies in use. I have plenty to read in the meantime, so I can wait patiently.

    You are so lucky to get volunteer plants from your compost! Around this time of year, we just get black sludge (the heat seems to speed up the decomposition process).

  8. I love your summer-y shawl! It looks so perfect for cool end-of-summer mornings. (The mitts are great, too. I just don't like thinking about mitts quite yet!) I loved The Warmth of Other Suns. I ended up listening AND reading the hard copy at the same time! It's just a wonderful book. I'm looking forward to digging into Caste very soon! Enjoy the cool August mornings. XO

  9. that shawl is simply stunning! I love the colors!! I guess I like the new blogger and so far haven't had any big issues....yet.
