Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Birthday Month

Yesterday Lance and I drove out to Branched Oak Lake and took a walk. The ditches were full of wild sunflowers and goldenrod. Although the state recreation area will be busy this weekend, we walked in an area away from the campsites and had it nearly to ourselves. We were able to leave our masks in the car. Two great blue herons fished in sheltered areas of the lake. We wore our old comfortable clothes as well as hats to keep the sun off of our faces. A light breeze took care of the mosquitoes. For a few hours the angst of the world fell away. It was a lovely way to mark my sixty ninth birthday. This is what sixty nine looks like. The only time I feel the years is when I'm pulling weeds in the garden. I do have better jeans but old jeans are often the best jeans and it is my party. Maybe next year, I'll spring for a new sun hat but maybe not. This one doesn't have any holes in the crown or brim. Through thick and thin, this guy has been at my side making sure we mark the day. He brought me a latte this morning. 

Today I am grateful for good health, comfortable shelter, food, friends, and a loving family. The Connecticut crew called earlier. Jonah was drinking warm milk with a little decaf coffee in my honor.  We read 
Peter Rabbit and Silly Sally and Micah showed me his drawings of everyone's favorite baseball teams (Phillies, Dodgers, Cardinals, Yankees.) Since Silly Sally went to town, walking backwards, upside down, Jonah showed me how he can walk backwards on his feet and hands. Really what could be better than those dear faces? My sister sent me a text message and I heard from friends yesterday. I'm sure I'll hear from the Texas crew later today. Our oldest grandson started his junior year in high school two weeks ago. His school system opted for remote learning so he is zoomed in right now.

For today's version of Unraveled Wednesday with Kat and company, I have some progress on projects still in process. I am now reacquainted with the "if you knit on something you can make progress" knitting rule. I am nearly finished with the Touchstone shawl. (Ravelry link) The last garter stitch section is going to have fewer rows than the others because I am almost out of that yarn. It will be fine that way. I'm enjoying the rhythm of the garter stitch and simple lace. I also made some progress on the first Downpour sock (Ravelry link) and the little quilt I wrote about last week. 

I finished reading Virginia Woolf and the Women Who Shaped Her. Gill organized a great deal of information in this biography. I now know more about the Bloomsbury Group although I'm not sure I needed all the steamy complicated details. I found the connections between people in Woolf's life and characters in her novels to be informative. I may choose a novel to read and hope to better understand her writing. Did you know that it wasn't until 1947 that Cambridge University began awarding degrees to women? I wonder how Woolf's life and writing would have been affected by full access to education and better treatment for mental illness.  

Here's to September and another trip around the sun. Today I'm thumbing my nose at the tomatoes and plan to bake some cookies as they are my favorite sweet treat. Life is short and who knows what the next year will bring. By the way, it is my opinion that we are all entitled to a birthday month. 


  1. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day. I enjoy your blog!

  2. Happy Birthday, Jane! I think 69 looks great on you, especially with comfortable jeans and your sun hat. I'm glad you could celebrate your birthday with a lovely walk and hearing from family. A friend recently sent me an article about how it was a good idea to surround ourselves with small comforts, and I think you've got that down. Your Touchstone looks like it will be a beautiful comfort.

  3. Happy birthday! I hope I look that good when I'm 69! Of course you should wear your old jeans. Isn't that what Covid life is all about?
    I'm almost 61 and no grandchildren in sight! So far, I'm happy to enjoy others' grands.

  4. I hope I look as great at 69 as you do! I think you are well entitled to a birthday month and to all the pleasures you've indulged in. I hope it was a great day!

  5. Happy, happy birthday, Jane! I hope this year is just spectacular for you and that there will be some "in person" visits with family!

    Your knitting is always amazing, but those downpour socks! LOVE!

  6. Happy, happy birthday Jane! 69 looks great on you! We share a birthday momnth. I love the way you spent your day - a lovely walk, comfortable clothes, hearing from family. That is the BEST. Love your knitting.

  7. Happy Birthday MONTH! Best wishes as you begin your 70th trip around the sun!! (what kind of cookies are you enjoying?)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This is rather funny. You look very much like another blogger I love. I wrote her birthday wish here. Then I quickly realized it is not Judy it is you!!!!Jane! I know your doppleganger.
    I tell my family to bury me in my blue jeans!

  10. Happy birthday!!! You are an inspiration to me the way you count your blessings and live life at the fullest. Life is good. I hope to get out and see nature more now that the weather is less humid.

  11. Happy Birthday! You look great :D Best wishes for you and your family for another year of health and happiness!
