Friday, November 20, 2020

Just a Moment

 November 20, 2020 - 11:20 a.m. 

Just a moment - 

This November day the sky is cloudy with patches of blue. 

A light breeze stirs the empty branches of the birch.

At the feeder, a small chickadee with blush tinge on breast, calls to a mate.

Across the street, a boy sits on a step, arm flung over his dog, joy on his face.

Our forty-third wedding anniversary:

marked with yesterday's walk through Pioneers Park,  

celebrated this evening with dinner at home and hearts full of memories.

Were we ever so young?


  1. You've described so much that is lovely in just a moment! Wishing you both a very happy anniversary, and many more filled with love, health, and happiness.

  2. What a beautiful moment! And Happy Anniversary! What a blessed milestone to achieve!

  3. So lovely. And 43 years! That's a real accomplishment.

  4. What a lovely post! I hope your anniversary was just as lovely -- 43 years is really something to aspire to!

  5. Happy anniversary! We are right behind you (will be 41 years in May).

  6. happy anniversary on the best day ever :)

  7. What a lovely moment, and a most-awesome wedding photo. and yep, we were ALL that young!!
