Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Tender 2020

Honore' invites us to post about the word we chose for 2020. Thank you to her for hosting this year's reminders and link-ups. I chose tender. Today is the wrap up of a tender and difficult year.

Tender derives from several root words. First I think of "tenere" - to hold firm, to endure.  Many words evolved from this stem: tender, tend, tenable, tenacious.  And so as the year closes, we endure as we hold firm to what sustains us.  What sustained me this year isn't much different than previous years. Although we are way behind on hugs and meals shared around a table, my family remains as dear as ever to me. Connections to friends near and far are precious. Making and creating with yarn, words, fabric, or thread brings a quiet joy. Being outdoors is critical to my body and soul. The silver lining of this year is a tender but clear focus on what I value.

Another related root for tender is "tendere" meaning to stretch. I would add that in 2020 we stretched in order to tend to ourselves and others. I stretched into creative thinking facilitated by technology. My book group didn't miss a beat as we gathered via Zoom. I watched my Texas grandson play football and my Montana niece play her flute and sing in a socially distanced concert. On Christmas Eve, my husband and I read "The Night Before Christmas" to our grandchildren in Connecticut. My yarn stretches south to Texas and east to Connecticut and to a few other locations.

Questions about tender remain. How to best respond with tenderness to others? I do not know what burdens they may carry. Today the snow falls. At times the flakes are large and tender, yet they find their place. I am home sheltered in a shawl of wool and alpaca and the prairie is snow covered. Still I know the roots of grass and wildflowers rest with tenacious tenderness. They wait patiently for the coming year and a new season. 




  1. Beautiful closing, Jane! I love your perspective! Thank you so much for sharing!

  2. I always feel calmer after reading your tender words and these are no exception. How lovely for all of your readers that you are thoughtful and able to share your lovely language with us. I especially enjoy the thoughts of your yarn stretching south and east to maintain and strengthen those family bonds. I will wait patiently for a new year with new hope, and wish you all the best in 2021.

  3. Like Bonny, I am completely taken with the thoughts of your yarn stretching south and east to connect you to your family. What a wonderful way to picture your bonds with your family. Happy new year to you, Jane. May next year bring back physical contact for all of us . . . with the people we love best. XO

  4. Tender is a lovely word. I am making point of thanking my friends who honestly blog and write their hearts out. All the time. We are putting our vulnerability into anyone's hands. We hope to help our creative community . Thank you for the thoughts you share and the time you give to us.

  5. What a lovely and calming post Jane. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and perspective. Tenacious tenderness is such a powerful concept! A tender and clear focus - another powerful phrase. Like others, I love the idea of your yarn stretching across the country, reaching out to family and loved ones. What a beautiful concept. Happy New Year!

  6. Hello Jane - I love this post and your word for the year. My word for 2021 is Strong. That is so great that you have been able to be with your family via technology during this challenging time. Hope you have a very happy New Year!

  7. Jane, I have found your reflections on Tender to be so inspiring this year. Thank you for all the thoughts you have shared. I hope 2021 has plenty of time for you to catch up on those hugs!

  8. Jane what wonderful word -tender. It has so many possibilities for a new year! Be well my friend!

  9. Jane what a wonderful word tender with so many possibilities for next year. Be well my friend!

  10. Jane what a wonderful word tender with so many possibilities for next year. Be well my friend!

  11. wise wise words! I try to keep in mind that others have burdens and worries. I wish you a Happy New Year with lots of good health and happiness!

  12. I hope you know I was having issues with blogger and came out anonymous with my previous comment. Thanks for all you give us when you blog!
