Thursday, January 21, 2021


What a beautiful day. The sky is bright blue with a few cumulus clouds gently moving across the sky. Here in Nebraska we will enjoy one more warm January day before snow and cold return. Yesterday was also beautiful. A refreshing breeze of hope blew as I walked. 

My knitting continues. I enjoy working on the Forager Sweater. Sunday I separated the sleeves from the body or is it the body from the sleeves? At any rate, I tried it on and I think it fits. I'm going to knit another inch and try it on again, just to make certain. Then it will be easy knitting around and around with an increase or two on the sides for A-line shaping. I haven't decided whether to add the shaping or not. I finished my own pair of mitts. I'm packing them away to wear in Connecticut. I haven't added a stitch to the throw. 


Your embroidery projects inspired me to find one of my own. I ordered a stamped sampler from Dropcloth Samplers. The riot of colors and stitches is a good contrast with January days. I am using DMC floss since I have quite a stash. I love the design and the quality of the fabric and stamped pattern is quite good but small in size. I wasn't sure I could embroider such closely spaced motifs and I wanted a little more fabric around the edge of the design. I copied the original on the copy machine and then enlarged it. I used a light table to trace the enlarged design on a larger piece of linen leftover from some long lost project. The tracing is quite faint so I have to be careful not to rub it off as I work. This could turn out to be a disaster but the project appealed to me. I'm giving it a try. Full disclosure: this sampler came with no instructions, no stitch guide other than the stamped fabric design, no chart for colors, or suggestions for the type of thread to use.

I read The Guest Book by Sarah Blake. The multiple narrators in different times were hard to follow in the audio version. Reading the hard copy solved that problem. I think this novel will make for a good book group discussion about race, class, and anti-Semitism. Blake wrote characters that are very human, complex, and messy. It might have benefited from more editing of details but overall it was worth reading. 

I look forward to reading more poetry by Amanda Gorman, the young poet who read at the Biden/Harris inauguration. What a voice and what hope. Dr. Jill Biden, with her degrees in education, suggested this young poet be part of the ceremony. A First Lady who is an educator is a reason for hope. 

Although I am a day late, I will link with Kat and the Unravelers. As we begin again, may hope fill your heart. 

Ravelry Links

Winter Forager Sweater

Mitts for the Grammy



  1. I love Dropcloth, but the lack of directions is disconcerting. I've also been surprised by how small they are. Your solution is perfect.

  2. Your purple sweater radiates hope to me, as does your colorful embroidery. Even though we're still in the middle of a pandemic and the economy is in tatters, it's been a delightful surprise to me how I can still see hope in so many places (beginning yesterday)!

  3. Love that embroidery piece. I need to get back to doing that instead of knitting all the time. I agree that poet was amazing and am glad to have an educator in the White House, too.

  4. Hi Jane. I love your beautiful projects. I agree with you that the new administration gives us lots of hope. The entire inauguration was uplifting and inspiring. See you again soon.

  5. Jane, I too am very hopeful with our new Administration. I knit on my socks all day and finished them! They are Biden socks!

  6. With my drop cloth patterns in the past I’ve found inspiration on Instagram. Might give that a try? I agree about our young poet laureate. I’m anxious to read more from that talented young lady. Great knits too. Spent the morning on a webinar featuring Nebraskan Michael forsberg. Another amazing talent and conservationist.

  7. I can't wait to see your embroidery grow. It looks like you can just enjoy the process and make what you love!

    I also enjoyed The Guest Book - and I can see how it could have been confusing on audio.

    Stay warm as the snow blows in!

  8. What fun to see you doing embroidery Jane! I'll look forward to seeing your project develop. The colors are lovely. I believe we are all feeling more hopeful since the 20th. A breath of fresh air, folks who CARE, someone with brains and compassion in the White House. And Amanda Gorman! I'm still blown away by her.

  9. I do love the colors in the embroidery! Perfect for January into February days. I've been happy knitting my three projects and hope I am near the end of a shawl project.

  10. Your purple sweater is very much on point with the colors on display at the inauguration! Like you, I was thoroughly impressed with Amanda Gorman, and I feel so much better about things knowing that an educator is in the White House (especially after four years of Betsy DeVos, ugh!). I hope your embroidery plan works well -- you've made a lovely start!

  11. I like that purple sweater start! (and what hope in packed mittens!) I like your work around for making that pattern larger! (and I think where the floss takes you will be brilliant!)

  12. I've been pondering (and following internet rabbit holes) for some embroidery, too - love the pattern you chose (although all the prep steps you described are beyond my understanding ;-) !
