Wednesday, July 21, 2021


These summer days I walk about 8:00 a.m. to beat the heat. Warm dappled sunlight filters onto my shoulders as I listen to birdsong. Robins sing, cardinals call to their mates, and doves coo. Although I know the "phoebee phoebee" of the chickadee and the screech of the bluejay, I'd like to recognize more species by song. Recently sparrows returned to our yard. I am happy to see them as I read house finches are driving down the sparrow population. So it goes. 

With the temperate summer weather and rain, the tomatoes look great. Last night I picked the first few ripe tomatoes and dug red potatoes from under one plant. This may be the first time I've successfully grown potatoes. Potato salad is on this week's menu. The forecast is for hotter temperatures with no rain so I'll have to be diligent with watering. Summer is in full swing. 

Today for Unraveled Wednesday with Kat and friends, my knitting matches the book cover. I don't know why this please me. I am easily entertained. After a break from the shawl, I picked it up again. I've enjoyed knitting it but am ready to be finished. The little ball in the photo is the remaining yarn, so picot bind-off or not, I'm coming to the end. My carry around project is a pair of shortie socks from leftover yarns. Once I get half way down the foot, the toe calls my name. I brought it in from the car and finished the first sock. They are good for the spring or fall when I don't want to wear a full sized wool sock.  

Natalie Goldberg's recent book, Three Simple Lines: A Writer's Pilgrimage into the Heart and Homeland of Haiku is the best kind of armchair traveling. She visited Japan to tour locations where the old masters, Basho, Buson, and Issa lived and wrote Haiku. Goldberg's writing may not be for everyone but I find it lyrical and peaceful. She practices Buddhism which is an interesting point of view for traveling. The jacket cover art is beautiful. I found this note at the bottom of the back jacket flap, "The jacket art illustration "Full moon and tree." Picture album of plum blossom, Kyoto, 1808. From a haiku book illustrated by Okada Baikan, a poet and Nanga artist." I am enjoying learning about the history of haiku and a little more about Japan.  

Are you learning about anything new this summer?

Ravelry Links

Spring Rewilding Shawl

Shortie Socks


  1. Love those shortie socks - so pretty and cheerful! Our tomatoes are just barely beginning to ripen, but our neighbor has Roma tomatoes that are ripening quickly...and he is leaving town for 10 days and told us to help ourselves...we will!! I really enjoy Haiku, so will check out that book - thanks!

  2. I love your socks and book cover. I think we subconsciously to those matches!
    I am so excited for the Olympics

  3. I think both your shawl and your socks match the book cover well! My reading teaches me things all the time -- it's one of my favorite things about books. Last night I finished "The Heart," translated from the French, which is a novel but could easily be nonfiction. It follows the process of a heart transplant and details the death of the donor all the way to the surgery that gives new life to the recipient. It was fascinating.

  4. I agree with Sarah... both your projects are matching your book! Your book sounds so interesting... I am going to see if my library has a copy of that!

    My new things are learning how to steer correctly (although all other times worked out) and my summer of art... that is truly the best moments of the day.

  5. Those socks are just charming! I love the happy colors. :-)

  6. I'm easily delighted by book covers matching just about anything ... and that is such a gorgeous blue! I read and loved Writing Down the Bones years ago and never thought to search out more of Goldberg's writing. Thank you for the reminder - travel and poetry sounds lovely.

  7. today I am going to start doing some kind of a walk - for me and for Frodo who is adjusting well but probably could benefit from some outdoor excursion. I need to start moving more as well. Lovely knitting!!

  8. I have enjoyed Natalie Goldbeg’s writing so I may need to look for this one. I have dabbled in haiku a bit this summer too.
