Saturday, December 4, 2021

Unwrapping the Days

This week the days were unseasonably warm. While walking in a light jacket is lovely, I feel like I have one foot in Thanksgiving and another in the winter holidays. Holiday decorating with the windows and door open seems strange so I haven't done much. Instead I savor the late autumn days. When it comes to decorating, I prefer a few favorites while my husband loves all the things. Holiday decor is a compromise at our house. 

As a birthday gift in honor of my 70th birthday, my son and daughter, gave me an Advent Yarn Set. I have never had one. The dyer of this set is Irish and lives in Kent. She shipped Advent sets the first of November. As supply chain issues appeared in the news, I wondered if the yarn would arrive by December. Since it was a wonderful gift I decided not to worry about the timing. If it was in a shipping container floating in a harbor, so be it. I'd enjoy it whenever it arrived. When it miraculously arrived on November 30, I knew the knitting and postal gods had smiled on me. I opened the package but waited until December 1 to unwrap the first mini skein. 

The yarn looks like aran or heavier but that is photographer error.
Each day I open a skein and a little envelope with a tiny surprise, stitch markers to date. I plan to take my time with this yarn. Eventually I'll wind one skein to get a better feel for the yarn. It is a wooly wool in neutral colors and DK weight. The feel of the yarn reminds me of Juliann's November posts about wool. The possibilities are endless. Who needs sugarplums dancing in your head when you are a knitter with new yarn? The ball bands are a record of the sequence arranged by the dyer but I am enough of a planner that I want to see all of colors before I decide on how to use the yarn. 

The basket with this project is the first decor of the holiday. Who knows, maybe I'll tie a festive bow on the handle. I plan to get out the decorations soon but first I have a package to open. Each package of yarn is an invitation to thoughtfully unwrap another day of this season. 



  1. What a beautiful and thoughtful gift! I'll enjoy seeing the colors as you continue to unwrap.

  2. I love the first skeins you've unwrapped -- it looks like all the colors will be subtle, soft shades. Can't wait to see what you do with all your mini skeins!

  3. ooohhhh what a lovely gift! and having all those pretty packages arrive on November 30 seems providential. I, too, would wait to see all the skeins before I made a plan, but I can't help noticing how the three you shared look like a winter landscape - especially if you find a skein or two of gray!

  4. What a lovely gift, Jane! I love those muted colors of the first few skeins!

  5. That is a very special gift, and I love how you are taking your time and enjoying each single day. That basket with yarn is the loveliest of holiday decor!

  6. what a delicious present to receive! We are not as warm as you but I do like the cold weather matching what is decorated on the inside of my house!
