Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Knitting into March

March weather is unpredictable and this year is no exception. The wind blew the unseasonable warmth east, rain fell (thank goodness), and the temperature dropped. Sunday snow fell and a little is predicted this evening and tomorrow. I haven't washed my wool sweaters yet and am wearing one today. Sunday we bundled up for an early afternoon walk. Later I stepped out on the deck and watched the rippling V's of migrating birds. The Sandhill Cranes are flying. Snow or not Spring isn't far away. 

Today I am linking with Kat and the Unravelers to write about knitting and reading. The best knitting news is the Anker's cardigan is ready for the bottom ribbing. Yipee! I tried it on last night to check the length. If I hadn't had on my pajamas, I'd have taken a selfie to show the fit but it's great. A progress keeper got me through the black hole of knitting. You know, that time in a project where you knit and knit and never seem to add inches. Thanks for sticking with me as I post over and over about the same project. I don't mind knitting sleeves so onward I go. 

Last week I finished the cowl I was knitting. I used two remaining skeins from a poncho knit in 2020. The yarn is lovely to knit with and the cowl is soft and squishy. I won a game of yarn chicken (see the little length of yarn in the photo!) with the second skein although I could have unraveled a swatch if needed. This winter I wore cowls instead of scarves or shawls when I ran errands. I know the Covid virus doesn't live long on surfaces but I felt safer with a cowl tucked in under my coat and not so exposed to anyone shedding the virus. I don't like several layers of a knitted wrap under my coat so the cowls worked well. I am a bit like the Princess with the Pea under her mattress - just ask my husband.

I did a little unraveling as I sorted out a sock pattern for this yarn. I tried the Strawberry Milk (Ravelry) pattern but the simple lace detail wasn't visible in this speckled yarn. I also think this yarn is better suited to a ribbed pattern so I am knitting a ribbed sock with a four stitch cable. This yarn is dyed and sold locally at Knit Paper Scissors, a local yarn shop. It's a nice collaboration between a local dyer and shop. I bought it last month while shopping with my sister so it carries a nice memory. 

I am listening to Migrations by Charlotte McConaghy and enjoying it. The descriptions of a natural world in the future are beautiful and heart-breaking. The characters are well written and the audio voice is excellent. By the way, I just noticed that Goodreads has a list of nonfiction books in honor of Women's History Month. I rarely choose a book because it is on a list but plan to look over this offering for titles new to me.  

I am behind in reading blogs and a few other things as we spent Monday taking care of a minor dermatology related procedure for my husband. He is fine thanks to the science of modern medicine. As always, I admire the nurses and surgeons who are unfailingly skilled, kind, and polite. Kindness received is important as that which we give. I hope kindness finds you this week. 

Ravelry Links

Anker's Cardigan, My Size

Bluet Cowl   

Valentine Socks


  1. Migrations looks like an interesting book - I've added that to my TBR list. I hesitate to look at the list on TBR list is already way too long - LOL. Love your new cowl and the pink sock yarn is lovely. I'm off to check out the Strawberry Milk pattern (even though it didn't work for you) - I've never heard of that pattern.

  2. First, I have to say that the yarn is to die for. I love that speckled pink. I can see how it would hide a lace pattern.
    That is a gorgeous sweater and congratulations for getting a perfect fit. I have had trouble with raglan sweaters and my broad shoulders, so I'll have to admire yours!

  3. We have had some snow here this week too, and it is back to being cold again. Your knitting is just beautiful! You are very talented with that! Thanks for the link to the Goodreads list. It was fun to look over those reading ideas. I hope all is going well. See you again soon.

  4. The pink speckled yarn reminds me of peppermint ice cream (a favorite of mine)! And that is a beautiful cowl. (I am a Princess-and-the-Pea myself, and definitely prefer a good cowl over a scarf.) We've been hearing the Sandhill Cranes here laes, although I haven't seen them yet. There is a lake across the street from our house, and they tend to hang out there for awhile as they migrate. I wish you a quick journey through "sleeve island." XO

  5. That should say . . . we've been hearing the Sandhill Cranes here LATELY . . .

  6. I am envious of your Crane sightings. Seeing Sandhill's are on my bucket list... someday.

    I made a cowl this winter was well that is in regular rotation. It is the perfect warm, cozy for my neck! (with less muss and fuss of a shawl)

  7. Hooray for knitting yourself out of that black hole! That's a place I know very well. I hope the sleeves are black hole free.

    Love the sock yarn -- it reminds me of strawberries and cream!

    I really thought we were officially in spring here, as it was at or near 70 last weekend and everything is starting to green up, but we had that surprise snow yesterday and are expecting a storm to move through on Saturday that could give us 3-6 inches. Such is March, I suppose!

  8. Hooray for achieving a good fit with Ankers, and that cowl is a lovely color and pattern. You can be a princess, especially when you are knitting your own pea. That gorgeous pink sock yarn looks quite springy, and I love the project bag. We had snow and ice yesterday and freezing fog this morning, but spring is approaching. It's always lovely to read your kind and gentle words, so thank you for writing and sharing.

  9. winning yarn chicken is always a delight if you ask me. I love the thrill of not knowing but only if I win. If I lose well then I might be a sore loser. Your knitting colors are lovely and the stitch definition of your cowl is perfection!!

  10. I LOVED Migrations ... and that cardigan is looking great!
