Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Welcome April

April light and colors are welcome. While today is gray and blustery, the daffodils bravely bloom in my yard and neighborhood. Some trees have leaves showing green tips. Hungry for color, I potted pansies for my front porch. I could use a new pot or two but hate to spend the money so I made do with what's in the shed. A darling little boy with dark brown eyes and his Mom were looking at the large display of pansies outside the nursery. I asked him which color he liked and he replied "azul" and pointed to these dark blue pansies so I picked them up to go with the orange.

I am linking with Kat and the Unravelers to post about making and reading. My cardigan is finished but the resident photographer is at the dentist this morning so that will wait for another post. I retrieved the Prairie Shawl from the project bag, frogged a couple of rows of commercial yarn, and joined this ball of handspun. These colors were in the same braid of Polworth Fiber. This shawl is turning into mostly a handspun shawl. I may still add some commercial yarn but am making it up as I knit. It's an easy forgiving knit. 

I cast on another pink fluffy hat. The combination of handspun uneven Polworth and the KidSilk Haze are so nice to work with, I decided to knit another from the remaining yarn. It's been ages since I knit with size 8 needles so maybe that is part of the allure. I have one more small skein of homespun to wind so I think there is enough for a hat but if not I'll just bind off and have a short cozy cowl. I finished the mitts for my niece and haven't touched the socks on the needles. 

As for reading, I gave up on
Violeta by Isabel Allende. The first part of the novel was interesting but midway I tired of it. The story of a woman enticed into an abusive relationship by circumstances and the ensuing consequences for her children isn't for me right now. If I had an electronic or hard copy instead of audio, I'd skim through the story and perhaps read the end. Maybe I'll do that another day and maybe not. 

On the other hand, I am enjoying Still Life by Sarah Winman. This book makes me want to travel to Tuscany in the Spring and learn more about Italian art. Although I wondered where the plot was going in the beginning, I am hooked now. I admire the quirky characters and how they make come together as a family. The writing and the story are a tribute to all kinds of love and beauty.

On this windy Wednesday, Spring is around the corner. A sliver of blue sky is visible through my window. I may need rocks in my pocket to walk but plan to get out this afternoon. Have a good week. 

Ravelry Links

Prairie Shawl

Another Hat

Alfresco Mitts



  1. Your post looks like spring, with pansies, lovely handspun, and that delightful pink hat/cowl. I love that you have a backup plan if you don't have enough yarn for a hat and that you got help with your pansy choice. I'm going to keep azul in mind when I get some pansies tomorrow.

  2. Your Azul (love that word) pansies are gorgeous and look fabulous with the orange ones. I also am really liking your shawl. So pretty. I, too, am reading Still Life. It is not at all what I was expecting, but as I've said elsewhere, I'm not sure what I was expecting - LOL. I'm enjoying the quirky characters as well. My library loan is up soon and I am only a third of the way through (or thereabouts). I will probably keep and finish it and pay a small fine for a couple of extra days!

  3. Those pansies are pretty!!! And they are so tough with the co1d!

  4. Those pansies are so perfect together! A perfect suggestion from a savvy 5-year old! :)

    That hat though... I really love it! (and yes to adding KSH!! It makes for such a lovely hat addition!)

  5. The pansies are such a wonderful punch of color for your porch, Jane! I'm looking forward to the nurseries to open here in my area (next week!!!) so I can plant some bright and cheerful pansies on my front porch. I loved Still Life -- and it did make me crave some time in Tuscany. (I find Isabel Allende to be very hit-and-miss. Sometimes fabulous, sometimes tedious.) Happy spring!

  6. I haven't seen any pansies yet, so thank you for posting yours! It was a lovely surprise to finally get home and see that things are at last starting to bloom here.

    Still Life was such a wonderful atmospheric read -- it really does transport you to Tuscany!

  7. oh those pansies!! I love how a little boy helped in the color selection. We have daffodils blooming and some magnolia trees and crabapple trees blooming. All beautiful while it's a cloudy day (again). Lovely knitting and I'm reading a book that I'm toying with setting aside...
