Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Gray Skies

Rain falls from a gray sky this morning. Earlier I took a walk in a light mist. A lovely much-needed soaking rain fell all day yesterday and will continue today. After some quite warm days, the temperature fell to the fifties. Sunday to Monday the overnight low was 36 degrees. I dragged the basil pots from the patio into our walkout basement and pulled the petunias close to the house to shelter on our small front porch. Yesterday I wrapped up in a shawl and knit on a charity project.  

My knitting is not terribly inspired this week. I knit a few more rows on the second sock of a pair. Sunday I pulled a skein from the "up-next" stash bin. I love the soft blush pink of this locally dyed yarn. I thought about casting on a hitchhiker but decided on a lace sampler scarf. I knit one several years ago in a deep teal and have worn it often. I'll follow the same recipe but vary the lace patterns. 

Sunday was a beautiful day. Before working in the yard and garden, I read for an hour or so on the deck. This little guy kept me company. He didn't know enough to be afraid of me. My current daytime read is The House of Life: Rachel Carson at Work. The author, Paul Brooks combined information about Carson's methods of writing and research with excerpts from her books. Brooks served as editor for a number of her books. The excerpts are long enough to give the reader a sense of her prose. I read one about a shore in the Artic and was struck by the way she conveys the interconnectedness of life along and in the sea. This wouldn't be a book for everyone but I am enjoying it. I ordered an inexpensive used copy as it was first published in 1972 and reissued in 1989. The book was cost one dollar but the shipping was more.

I also read a used copy of The River by Helen Humphreys. In The Lost Garden, a novel by Humphreys, the main character wrote several letters to Virginia Woolf. As I read The River, I wondered if Humphreys was influenced by Woolf's style of writing. The book meanders (as the river) between history, physical description of the area, and short pieces of fiction. It is beautifully illustrated with photography, a few old photographs, and art work. Once I noticed the change in background color that denoted the short fiction I found it easier to follow.  

I am off to write a note to my Congressional representatives to request gun regulation. It isn't much but it is what I can do. I'll leave you with this message from my slightly askew kitchen.  

Ravelry Link

Lace Scarf


  1. That is the best and most-needed message. I was struck this morning on my walk by how tender everyone seemed in their greetings. I guess we're all thinking about what we can do to prevent any more of this violence. I'm off to write my letters and search for some more Helen Humphreys books.

  2. I love the message on your mug. The scarf is beautiful. I completely agree with you on guns. I have no idea why 18-year-olds should have the ability to buy guys. Makes no sense. Our society is so deeply troubled. Thanks for your post. The books you read always sound so very interesting.

  3. I, too, contacted my representatives in Congress, though I don't know if it will do any good. I think your mug has the right idea -- perhaps if we could all make a concerted effort to choose love and treat each other with kindness, we could make the world a better place.

  4. I called my "so called" representatives... so called because I don't think any of them ever think about us... the people who vote for them... rather, I think they are influenced only by big money ... lobbyists... which I think needs to be permanently banned from doing any "lobbying" work so that those who are supposed to represent us, actually start listening to us. 90% of us want there to be at least common sense gun laws... back ground checks... and for gosh sake, yes red flag laws.

  5. Thanks for your thoughtful post and gentle words. Your pink sampler scarf will be lovely - that is a very soothing shade of pink...and soothing is what we all need right now. Choose Love - yes to that!

  6. I always enjoy reading about what you're reading about :-) and thank you for that closing message.

  7. what a mug! I have been reading a lot and knitting a little less. It's the mood I've been in I suppose. It's very hot here and supposedly today is the last day of it!! I am grateful :)
