Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Toward Autumn

Friday was my seventy-first birthday. My Dad's family celebrated birthdays by inviting a large group of extended family for cake and open faced sandwiches. They considered aging to be an accomplishment. They set an "over fifty" table as a mark of honor. Those aunts and uncles are gone but I think of them on birthdays. I didn't have a big party because that isn't my style. Instead we had a fun weekend with our son Aaron and grandson Austin who were in town. Saturday, I watched the Nebraska football game with the guys and knit on a sock. I am not a football fan but you know, a mother does what a mother has to do in order to spend time with a grown son. Sunday Aaron gave me a lesson in grilled salmon and it was delicious. We roasted some Yukon Gold potatoes and I made a green salad that included tomatoes, cucumbers, and chives from the garden. Our dessert was pound cake with a peach/butter sauce and sliced peaches. We fed that college guy as best we could. It was the best kind of long weekend. So here I go, another trip around the sun. Seventy one years hardly seems possible. I am grateful for every one of them. As I look at these sweater photos, I can see how much I resemble my Mom. That makes me happy.

Today I link to Kat and the Unraveled Wednesday Makers. You know you are a knitter when you take finished object photos of a sweater while wearing walking shorts. Doesn't everybody where a hand-knit sweater in September with walking shorts? Well maybe only for photos. At the time, the temperature was 68 degrees and I'll take it. This afternoon will see us back up into the 90's. Rain is in the forecast for the weekend. I hope it materializes. Our area had a trace of precipitation in August, one of the driest on record, and not much more in July. Regardless we are inching our way to Fall. The Forager sweater is finished and it is one of my most successful. I like the fit, the sport weight wool, and the details of the mock cable on the sleeves and body. The same mock cable runs down the center of the back. 

In other making, I knit on the second summer sock and started an embroidery project. I have plenty of floss left from my cross-stitch days. I have always wanted to stitch this little design so I traced it onto a piece of muslin and am giving it a go. My embroidery is far from perfect but I hope the imperfections add to the charm of the piece. I have two Christmas gifts to knit but this little fall piece was calling to me.

As for reading I have abandoned several books. One was an audio that had a narrator with an annoying voice. I have begun The Plague of Doves for the Erdrich read-along. For some reason, I am having trouble getting into this novel. I am sure I'll find something soon.

Here's to September and the gentle slide toward Autumn. 



  1. Happy belated birthday, Jane! Your celebration sounds like a good one (and I share the opinion with your father's family that getting older absolutely should be celebrated!). The sweater looks like a perfect fit and I hope you have reason to wear it soon -- not just to model.

    I've had a bit of trouble getting into Plague of Doves, too. I think it's perhaps it doesn't have any of the characters we've come to know and love so well in the previous books.

  2. Wishing you a very Happy (Belated) Birthday, Jane! I think the meal that you and your son cooked sounds absolutely delicious, and I'm wishing I had some grilled salmon and pound cake. Your sweater is a lovely shade of blue and it looks like a perfect fit. Here's hoping you get some rain and slide gently towards Autumn.

  3. Best (belated) birthday wishes as you begin another trip around the sun!! so glad you had a few special folks on hand to celebrate with - that birthday dinner sounds delicious ... and even better shared with men who appreciate eating! and Jane, wow! that sweater - it's a perfect finish! (sending up wishes for some cool WET weather and jeans to enjoy it fully!) xxoo. (p.s. I'll be starting Doves just as soon as I finish Mercury Pictures Presents ... likely Friday ... I hope it clicks for you before then)

  4. I had to chuckle when you said you abandoned a book because the narrator's voice was annoying. Yep, I have done the exact same thing! Happy belated birthday! I love your sweater - the color is just perfect. Honestly, you look many years younger than your actual age. Hope you have a good weekend.

  5. Happy Birthday Jane! I will turn 69 this coming Saturday and it hardly seems possible! Yet, I'm grateful for each and every year and cherish the marking of time. Your dinner sounds scrumptious and now I'm thinking maybe I should bake a pound cake. Your sweater turned out so well. I really would like to try to knit one again this year. Glad to hear that you had time with your son and grandson - that is the BEST!!

  6. Happiest of birthdays, Jane! I love your family tradition of celebrating each year in a big way . . . although, like you, I always prefer the quiet celebrations for myself. It sounds like you had a wonderful day with your son and grandson -- and I'll take some grilled salmon any day! ;-) I, too, watch many sporting events I'm not interested in . . . I figure I can knit through anything! (And it does give me extra time with my sports-guys.) I am one of those weird people who actually DOES wear wool sweater with shorts in the fall. I hang on to summer as long as I can . . . although I do get chilly . . .

  7. Happy birth day to you, a day to be happy. That blue sweater becomes you.
    Are we becoming our mothers in looks, or in more ways !?
    I liked that sentence of yours, “I am not a football fan but you know, a mother does what a mother has to do in order to spend time with a grown son. ”. So true.

  8. Happy Birthday! The sweater is beautiful, especially with the mock cable.

  9. happy birthday dear friend! Love your sweater and love love love the embroidery. I am glad you were with family and yes, one does watch sports if one has to if it means being with loved ones...

  10. Jane, happy belated birthday wishes. Like Karen, I also love the embroidery you are working on. Would you please share the name of the pattern and publisher. Thank you. Marta

  11. Your sweater looks wonderful! (And go you with those walking shorts!) I wish for you the happiest of birthday years... may each day be full of beauty and joy... even if they are quiet! XO
