Tuesday, October 11, 2022

This October Sky

Something about the light and the leaves turning autumn colors creates a gorgeous October sky. I do my best to enjoy each season but I do look forward to October skies. Many of the leaves keep their green and I wonder if some will just wither and drop because of the dry warm weather. Today is blustery. Leaves and dust swirl in the air. We need rain. If I sound like a broken record, that's because I am. The air is dusty, the grass is crispy, and the garden beds have big cracks. 

I am participating in a Sock Scrimmage at my LYS. The two teams, red and white, UNL colors, are neck and neck with ten finished socks for the white team and eleven for the red. I just sent a photo of my completed socks which might tie the two groups. October sock knitters are kind of crazy. My goal was to get this Christmas-gift-pair finished. I'll cast on another pair as a travel project. They may or may not get finished.  Finishing this pair is a win for me. 

Last weekend, we had one slight frost that nipped the tomatoes and some flowers. In some ways, it's hard to let the growing season go but the ground, the trees, and the plants must rest. And so I look to the October skies for beauty. Wherever you are, I hope the October is treating you well.  

Ravelry Link

Candy Floss Socks


  1. Look at that blue in your last photo! I call that a Colorado blue because that's the way the sky looked in Boulder the last time we visited family there. Occasionally our sky will get that vivid look, but more often there is a bit of haze thrown in. Your socks turned out so pretty. Someone will be happy Christmas morning!

  2. It's funny, but like Vera, I also think of that blue sky as Colorado blue since the sky was so often that shade in CO. Nice to know that you get that in Nebraska, too! Your socks are lovely, as are your October skies. I do hope you get some gray skies that bring rain soon.

  3. This summer/fall sky has been beautiful since the wildfire smoke blew in other directions. I love Autumn skies, too. Today was windy and leaves were skittering down the street. Pretty socks. Good luck to your Sock Scrimmage team.

  4. The colors have suddenly changed here in the past week or so, and we've had some simply stunning blue skies and sun the past several days. I think we're still ahead on rain, but we haven't had any in a bit, and I'm kind of dreading a big rain because it will bring so many leaves down. I hope you get some soon, though. Good luck with your sock knitting!

  5. I love the light in fall . . . long shadows, bright blue skies -- or moody clouds, and the colors on the trees. It really is a stunning time of year. Last year, we had a very hot and dry summer, and our leaves never really changed much come fall. They just stayed green (mostly) and then dried up and dropped. It was very disappointing. I hope you get the color changes you crave! (And best of luck to your sock scrimmage team!)

  6. our trees are turning glorious colors and I am all for it!! Nothing like making me feel present when I see them. Lovely socks!!!

  7. Beautiful sky pictures, Jane! I do so love fall for its stellar skies!

    I do like those socks! Sock Scrimmage sounds like so much fun!

  8. I love the idea of a sock scrimmage!! Good luck to your team!
    I found you whilst blog-hopping, would be great to see you over at mine at emealdcottage.blogspot.com :)

  9. October skies are the best ... and that blue is perfect to show off all the colors in the trees. I have happy memories of Socktober and how fun that you LYS makes a game of it :-)
