Friday, February 24, 2023

It's Friday - TGIF

On this last Friday in February: 

I am thinking how the light snow that fell last night makes winter better. For a few hours, snow covers the faults of the landscape like the neighbor's political signs and the bare patch in our front yard. Snow outlines and emphasizes the structure of trees and reflects the beauty in the birds. With so little snow this winter,  I forgot how snow muffles the sound of traffic on the busy streets a few blocks away. I am also thinking how 30 minutes of yoga changes the way I feel.  I am a good sitter, a really good sitter. After a few household chores, I can easily curl up with books and knitting projects for several hours. The past few afternoons it's been too cold to walk so I've taken a yoga break. Afterwards, I feel so much better both physically and mentally.   

I am grateful for a warm house on this bitterly cold morning of five degrees with a feels like temperature below zero. I can't imagine living in places where power and warmth is an unpredictable luxury. I am grateful I am not allergic to wool and can wrap up in a sweater and a shawl. 

I am inspired by librarians who are passionate about their vocation in spite of all the efforts to ban books. If you want to read more, I suggest the weekly Book Club, a Washington Post Newsletter, by book editor Ron Charles. The newsletter is free. I can't get to all the articles linked in the newsletter (I don't subscribe to the Post) but there is a great deal available without a subscription. The newsletter contains all kinds of tidbits about the literary world. Charles is a witty, smart writer and fun to read. 

I have to dig a little deeper for fun. By the end of February, fun is in short supply. To remedy this, my husband and I are going to bundle up and drive to Seward, a small town thirty miles west of Lincoln. I want to visit, Chapters, an independent bookstore and gift shop. Although the inventory will be small, the bookstore is local to Ted Kooser and carries some of his books. I wonder if I'll happen onto any signed copies? My husband went to high school in Seward so he enjoys driving around his old haunts. Who knows, maybe we will throw caution to the wind and pick up coffees before hitting the road. You can't say, we don't know how to have a good time. ;-)

I wish you a good weekend.  



  1. I just chuckled at the end of your post -- I say you two go crazy and get a sweet treat along with coffee!

    In general I don't love snow because of all the hassle it creates, but my favorite part about a good snow is that quiet, muffled period right after. And when it's a big snow and everyone pretty much stays put, it's such a special treat to go out and hear how quiet the usually noisy neighborhood is. Stay warm!

  2. We haven't had any measurable snow this winter, so I've temporarily forgotten about all the beauty and benefits it offers. I'm glad you reminded me, and I'm also glad that I don't have to shovel. I was also happy to sign up for the WP Book Club newsletter. I don't subscribe to the Post, but Ron Charles is one of my favorite reviewers, so I'll be glad to read the newsletter. Your trip to Seward sounds like big fun to me! I hope you find some signed Ted Kooser books, enjoy your coffee, and your adventure.

  3. I signed up for the book club newsletter you recommended (also some other (free) bits and pieces) so look forward to receiving my 1st one.
    I’m smiling as I read through your post……there seems to be less traffic here on those really hot days like we’ve been having recently - I’m a good sitter also - in the cold as well as the heat😊
    Hope you enjoyed your time away from home - days out are just as good as weeks away!

  4. I can handle the cold as long as there's snow on the ground. I'm glad you got some this week! Enjoy your trip to the bookstore - it sounds like a delightful trip :)

  5. Daughter Katie loves Ron Charles' book reviews - I didn't know he had a newsletter! and enjoy your jaunt to Seward; that's a perfect day trip!

  6. We have been light on snow this year as well (although Pittsburgh is not a snowy place by any measure, we do get some!)

    I hope your road trip was delightful and included coffees! XO

  7. I just saw your comment on Dee's blog and thought that your weather sounded just like ours today. I looked at your blog and realized that we must live fairly close to each other. We live in Elkhorn, NE, just to the southwest of Omaha. Hubby works in Gretna.
    I'm going to take note of your blog and would love you to visit me at:

    Blessings and hugs,

  8. I was thinking about how the snow muffles the noise this weekend as I shoveled the driveway so we could head to church. And I wondered if the noise from my shovel was annoying to my neighbors.

  9. I hope your bookstore visit was delightful! We have sunny skies and warm weather with daffodils blooming, it's nuts! I'm also happy that my dad continues to improve.

  10. Just catching up and I hope you tell about your Friday trip to Seward and Chapters. I enjoy Ted Kooser's poetry. We don't have snow, but I am currently chilly sitting in my office (I've refused to put the heat on in this room - it IS on in other parts of the house).
