Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Wrapping Up May

The older I grow, the faster time flies. May brought beautiful cool but sunny spring days. Today feels like a summer day. The humidity is up and the morning warmed up quickly. I walked at 8:00 a.m and dodged a few sprinklers. The iris blooms are winding down as the roses begin their early summer show. This is the time of year when gardening is most enjoyable. I've finished all the clean up, tamed the weeds for awhile, and everything is planted. As I water to make up for the lack of rain, I wonder if we will have a "blister of a summer," as a friend of mine used to say. 

I don't know that I will get my link posted with Kat's website this week. Still I like to be part of the group of Unravelers. My making this week included a rework of a shawl I cast on early in May. To make the shawl more interesting to knit, I'm combining elements from the patterns for Drachenfels and Zephyr Cove. I tried three times before I successfully incorporated the leaf into the increases in the body of the Drachenfels shawl. 

I finished the little baby hat in a week. I knit a little green leaf but I thought it could become a choking hazard. Normally hats stay on infant's heads but this little babe has a toddler sibling. It's much better to be safe than sorry. The hat was a sweet satisfying knit. For what it's worth, I'm getting quite proficient at knitting leaves. 

Last night I finished the hand of this Irish Hiking Mitten. It's a delight to knit with handspun and have a project turning out well. I added one cable repeat to achieve the correct length. I have knit all these patterns previously. This is the second Berry Baby hat, the eighth pair of Irish Hiking mittens, and the third Drachenfels shawl. Do you have patterns that you knit over and over?

I listened to the audio version of The Three Graces of Val-Kill by Emily Herring Wilson. This book is yet another look into the complex personality and life of Eleanor Roosevelt. The first half discusses Roosevelt's early adult years and her friendship with two women, Marion Dickerson and Nancy Cook. Some of the well known events in Roosevelt's life are given as context, but Wilson keeps Eleanor Roosevelt at the center of her story. While listening, I got a sense of how Roosevelt's self-confidence in both public and private life evolved and changed over time. Although Wilson identifies some primary sources, she prefaces other exposition with phrases like, "_____ might have happened like this." This work includes author interpretation as well as fact. I enjoyed it and found it on Hoopla. 

As we go forward into June, I wish you a sweet beginning to your summer or winter days. 

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  1. I just recently knit the same baby hat. It's such a classic, and people always go a little bonkers over it, so it makes a great gift. I like the shawl you've started -- that little leaf at the beginning is so clever!

  2. Those are all terrific projects as we head into June. I will have to remember that baby hat the next time I need one. That handspun is quite beautiful, and it works so well with that pattern. I do have a pattern that I knit over and over (Hitchhiker) but I'm seriously contemplating Zephyr Cove with that charming leaf and feather and fan. Here's hoping for some rain for all of us.

  3. I love knitting a project for the 2nd, 3rd, ... 10th! time - there is something fun and freeing about knowing the pattern well enough to really make it yours. Wishing you a sweet start to your summer, too!

  4. Hello Jane….says she while crossing fingers this comment ‘sticks’
    I’ve been seeing your little Berry Hat in various places recently so it definitely is a popular one.
    I’ve linked to Kat’s blog this week although I always feel a bit like an intruder when I do so. You’ve seen what I knit, tried and true - so very different to the other subscribers- my knits seem very tame compared to the shawls and socks others produce. Might be in my eyes only but the ‘age difference’ is apparent.
    It’s the first day of winter (June 1st) and we have bright sunshine here in Melbourne. With some days forecast in the teens (16/17/18c - 60sf) it should be a reasonable week.

  5. Your Eleanor Roosevelt book sounds fascinating. And that hat is adorable! I hope you get some rain soon.

  6. It is so dry here as well. The grass has almost reached the "crunchy" stage... in May, not August. The birds and wildlife are regular visitors to my birdbaths. And June is hinting at 90's this week and next.

    I love that mitten... and yes! Knitting with handspun is simply delightful! I plan on doing it more frequently!

    Thanks for the Eleanor Roosevelt book... I will look on Hoopla for it!

  7. I tend to knit the same patterns, but if I’m knitting a special gift,I will branch out and try something new. The Berry hat is adorable. It’s supposed to rain this weekend, so I’ll try to send some moisture your way.

  8. That audiobook sounds really good. I'm going to see if I can get that from our library on Hoopla or Libby. Eleanor Roosevelt- such an interesting period. I love the little pink baby hat and the color of that mitten is awesome! I love all shades of blue! I hope you have a good June. See you again soon!

  9. your handspun for the mitts is gorgeous, love the blue hues mingling together. I am excited for June but May went too fast for me!!

  10. Combining patterns is very tricky. Im glad you figured out. Can't wait to see more! Looks like you made great progress on the mitten this that needs some concentration. Hat is adorable...I've made that one before. Have a good week.

  11. The Berry Hat is adorable. I don't know how I missed this post, but I'm glad I found it. I downloaded (I think for free) the Three Graces book about Eleanor Roosevelt on Audible. I have not listened yet, but am looking forward to it. Reading about you dodging a few sprinkles on your early morning walk makes me envious. It is terribly dry here - we cancelled our lawn mowing service again this week. And...I just re-read that and realized you wrote sprinklers...not sprinkles. But it is late (10:20 p.m.) and it has been a long and frustrating day. I should just go to bed!
