Wednesday, June 28, 2023

June Delight

June passes by all too quickly. Sometime before dawn on Sunday morning, a front blew through and the air cleared. The last few days have been glorious. The garden is part of my June making. The yellow lilies burst into full bloom. 

A white sweet pea volunteers along the fence behind a clump of iris. The cosmos in the pollinator garden begin to bloom. I'm more than delighted to see the yellow blossoms amid the cucumber vine. 

The tomatoes begin to set on the vines. Right now everything is green and healthy. Summer's extreme heat has yet to arrive but July is around the corner. Delight is my word of the year. What I disover this month is that delight is a matter of noticing and taking time to savor what is around me. 

Kat is taking a break but I like the routine of a Wednesday Unraveling post. I finished the summer shortie socks. I rarely knit shortie socks but I am going to test this pair while walking. I used up the last of a skein of sock yarn and certainly have similar leftovers in my stash. I officially set aside a shawl in progress until cooler weather. For some reason, I'm not enjoying it. The Woolstok Light is 100% wool. While it is lovely in a previously knit cardigan, it feels a little wooly in this shawl. I'm going to get it out in October or November and see how I feel about it then. 

I'm listening to Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt and enjoying it. The voice of the reader portraying the octopus is very good. It is a sweet heartwarming tale. With my local book group, I'm reading The Violin Conspiracy by Brendan Slocumb. This novel is a powerful story about a young talented musician and the racism and support he encounters while pursuing his passion. The cover art on the hardback is heartbreakingly appropriate and beautiful. It is this young man looking in or out at the world of classical music? I wonder if music was added to the audio version? I may search for a play list. I'll post more on these books when I finish reading them.

Enjoy these last few days of June.   


  1. Your lilies and garden are looking so good! You're right, they haven't yet met the heat of July and August, but I hope they will persevere. The socks look delightful and I hope they work well for walking. I listened to the audio version of The Violin Conspiracy but it was a long time ago. I think I remember some violin music between chapters, and the author's notes on the real-life racism he encountered were eye-opening.

  2. We have also had a lovely June. Your flowers and tomatoes look wonderful! I love the shortie socks. I have been thinking of reading Remarkably Bright Creatures. So glad you have had a nice June. See you again soon!

  3. I too very much enjoyed the voice of the octopus; I almost pictured him wearing a top hat and monocle!

    I also wondered about some of the music in The Violin Conspiracy, so I did some searching after I read it. I'll save you some time and share this link to the playlist the author put together:

  4. Those glimpses of your garden are delightful - same with those socks. I'm delighted to share Slocumb's own Violin Conspiracy playlist with you

    It has been my favorite classical listening for months now - sadly, I don't think he's compiled one for his new Symphony of Secrets.

  5. What lovely glimpses of your garden, Jane! You're so right . . . delight is all around us -- when we notice the little things. Your socks look great! I've never tried hand knit "shorty" socks. I'd love to hear what you think of them. Enjoy these last days of June.

  6. June has been a mix of cloudy and rainy weather with only a handful of beautiful days and clear sky. I’ve loved the cool temperatures, but ready for some sunny summer days.

  7. I love your garden pictures and your shortie socks - those colors are perfect for the summer! I think Slocumb's book is perfect for a book club -- there is SO much to discuss!!

    I hope your July is cooler than anticipated!

  8. those socks are super cute, love the cheerful colors. Our lilies are blooming and then the deer snip off the flowers, sometimes... I guess they have to eat something!

  9. I have socks on my needles and need to get back to them. Volunteer sweet peas! Wonderful

  10. I love your shorty socks. I started a pair but could not concentrate on them at the time. You are inspiring me to get back to it! I'll be anxious to hear how they are on a walk.
