Friday, July 14, 2023

Happy Friday

Happy Friday. Back in the days when long distance phone calls were a treat, my Mom and I took turns calling each other on Friday evenings. Whoever placed the call greeted the other with "It's Friday!" When I taught, Friday evening meant two days breathing space. I think of Mom every day but especially on Friday. I've been away and a TGIF post feels like a good way to catch-up.

Thinking about: I have been thinking about how to live with a lighter heart; how to balance the fortunate life I have with a world full of pain and injustice. Sending constant angst out into the world is just sending more angst into the world. Fretting and worry isn't healthy or constructive. I don't have answers but I am pondering the idea. I do know my heart benefits from being outdoors and by noticing. Yesterday as we drove home from north central Minnesota, the skies were beautiful and the roadsides were sprinkled with wildflowers. On the drive up, we stopped to eat lunch at a lovely rest stop outside Worthington, Minnesota. The stop is home to a path around and through a wildflower meadow. As we set up our picnic in the open shelter, we noticed a nest up in the corner. A swallow swooped in and out feeding three chicks. We didn't seem to be disturbing the birds so we sat on one side of the table and watched them as we ate our lunch. Lunch with the swallows was charming. 

Grateful:  Recently, rain has fallen in our area. The area is still in drought status but the Platte River was full when we drove over it yesterday. My garden benefits from the rain and I am happy to water less often. Hooray for the clouds moving in again as I write. I picked the first cucumbers before we left and I could be making pickles Sunday or Monday. I am so grateful for a few days with my sister and brother-in-law and my brother and his daughter in a beautiful lake setting. We don't see each other often so days together are treasures.  

Inspired by: I am inspired by the Tour de Fleece spinning. Some gorgeous interesting yarn is coming off spindles and wheels. I finished a big spinning project that I'll write about soon. While in Minnesota, we went to a local flea market in Hackensack. I found a booth with a spinner and an independent yarn dyer. We had a pleasant conversation. I didn't buy yarn but I did pick up some undyed Targhee Silk roving. It is quite soft and a pretty cream color. 

Fun: - Tomorrow my niece and her little girl are coming for lunch. My niece is a law student and needs a little study time so after lunch she will go find a study spot and my great niece and I will play. We are going to have great fun.

I wish you all a good weekend and look forward to catching up on your posts. 

Oh yes, a 1000 mile road trip (round trip miles) meant plenty of car knitting and on these long trips I do take an old fashioned map. Yarn from Must Stash. Pattern is Impossible Girl.



  1. Nice to read of such a good visit with family (I am missing mine at the moment). Lunch with the swallows sounds delightful! I still haven't mastered car knitting (I'm either the one driving or too busy looking at scenery to knit if a passenger), but I'm admiring your car knitting socks - so pretty! Hope your weekend is a wonderful one!

  2. I have been pondering some similar thoughts about living with a lighter heart. Thank you for sharing these words. Happy Friday

  3. Friday doesn't seem to mean quite the same thing now that I'm not working but it's still nice to feel like you've made it to the end of the week. I do like your "Thinking About". Yes, the world is unjust and full of pain for too many, but things are not that bad in my world, so I need to arrive at some sort of balance. Let me know when you find answers! :-)

    I hope you and your lunch company have great fun!

  4. I've really been struggling with the same thing -- how to allow myself to feel joy when I know that it's largely thanks to my privilege that enables me to experience it when so many others are struggling. I suppose we can be a better help to others if we aren't struggling ourselves.

    It sounds like something that's giving you a lot of joy lately is being with family, and I hope you have a wonderful time with your grand-niece!

  5. Love seeing a post from you with my favorite T-G-I-F framing (welcome home)! I was reminded about tonglen breathing in my small group reading this week - breathe in pain/heartbreak/sorrow and breathe out healing/love ... I try to do it every day. and somehow, I think it helps. also :-) look at you buying undyed roving - you are definitely a spinner, now!!

  6. I have had a heavy heart lately and have been really trying to concentrate on the good things around me. Great reminders! I love your socks..such fun colors!

  7. I have been in that same "mind space" lately, Jane. Trying to figure out how to balance my fears and angst for the world . . . while also embracing the little joys that surround me. I'm so glad you had such a refreshing visit with your family. XO

  8. I ponder the same things. I love getting out and walking, it is so good for my mental health, I am crushed when the air quality is poor - ugh. I've been working on self care and listening to my body and my mind. It's a work in progress.

  9. I am nodding in agreement about the fears/worries/angst I have for the world... I am likewise trying to contemplate actions I can do, rather than be consumed with worry. I am so grateful to have read Margaret Renkl's soon-to-be-out book, The Comfort of Crows. She has reframed my thinking to the delights in my backyard (of which there are so so many!) It is an easy place of respite.

    Anyways... welcome home and happy spinning!!
