Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Oh July

I feel a little groggy today. Personal fireworks are allowed in the city limits of Lincoln on July 3rd and 4th. The last two evenings were a barrage of explosions until midnight. When I walked this morning, I saw lots of leftover debris. Last night a terrific thunderstorm blew through as we gathered with friends for a potluck dinner. Later, light rain continued as citizens lit fireworks. It was a little crazy. The storm is the third one in the last two weeks and the rain is very welcome. My cucumber vines are about to jump the edge of the raised bed. The cosmos are glorious in their orange and purple shades. 

As for making this week, I cast on a couple of projects. I have one skein plus some odds ends of a nice cashmere merino yarn so I cast on a shawl/scarf. The pattern was designed for mini-skeins but is easily modified for odd bits of yarn. I sewed the project and notions bags so they are fun to use. Once in awhile it's fun to coordinate bag and project. 

I am also knitting these Kvetching Mitts from the top down. I decided to try this method in order to joggle my brain cells and they have been joggled. There might have been some kvetching going on. This is the first time I've knit mitts from the top down. The first go around I misread the pattern. The second time, the thumb gusset was too big, the third time was a charm. I am knitting them from leftover Mountain Colors yarn. Awhile back, I read the company was for sale. I've enjoyed their yarn over the years.

I finished both Remarkably Bright Creatures (audio) and The Violin Conspiracy. At times I wanted to shake Cameron, the young man in Bright Creatures and tell him to get his act together. I appreciated the older characters in the story, especially Tova. The Violin Conspiracy seemed like a plot driven novel. Still, I enjoyed the descriptions of music and shook my head at the heartbreaking racism directed toward the main character. As the author wrote in his note, "music should be for everybody." I predict a good discussion of the book with my local group. Currently I'm listening to The Housekeeper and the Professor, a novel translated from Japanese. What an elegant story about a kind woman caring for a Mathematics Professor whose memory lasts only eighty minutes. Although he is old, frail, and rather quirky, the professor is a mathematics savant. I'm sure I'm not getting all of the Math concepts but I like the story. I wish the Professor or someone like him had been one of my Math teachers. 

Thanks for reading. Here's to the beginning of a new month and high summer days. I hope all is well. 

Ravelry Links

Shawl of Leftovers

Kvetching Mitts


  1. I also feel slightly groggy today from heat, humidity, and fireworks. But thankfully it's July 5th and I can stop metaphorically shaking my fist at all those having fun with fireworks for the past three days. Your matching bags and project look quite fancy, but I can barely comprehend knitting mitts from the top down. Good for you for giving it three attempts! The Housekeeper and the Professor is one of my favorite novels, and to be honest I haven't thought about it in years. Your reminder about amicable numbers, memory, and family makes me want to read it again. Thank you!

  2. I'm another who enjoyed The Housekeeper and the Professor. It is a kind book. I'm very happy that the fireworks are over (at least for the time being), now if only the heat and humidity would leave! I'm not ready for snow, but this Summer weather is a bit much for me. I really like your project and notion bags - they are lovely and look great with your yarn.

  3. I love the mitt - I'm glad you've worked through the kinks in the pattern and are happy with the result. I think the Violin Conspiracy is a GREAT book for a book discussion. So many things to unpack! I also loved The Housekeeper and the Professor. Enjoy your reading and stitching this week, Jane!

  4. I agree with you that it's a good idea to "joggle" your brain cells regularly -- I think that's what keeps us sharp! I am not a fan of fireworks, and I was happy that there were no stragglers being set off last night (though I did spend some time yesterday picking up debris in our yard and driveway from those our neighbors set off on Tuesday).

  5. I am so over the fireworks... as is Sherman (and the other dogs in the neighborhood) I can't help but wonder how the wildlife fares with all that noise as well.

    I love your odds and ends shawl start! :)

  6. Hi Jane. It sounds like your garden is doing great! So glad you got some rain. It seems like we have had fewer fireworks around here this year. Maybe I was so tired from a day of moving and renovating that I just slept through a lot of the popping outside. Maybe all of the stern warnings from fire authorities about the danger of fireworks are taking hold. It seems like every year, including this one, at least one house gets burned down due to fireworks, but amazingly we didn't have any brush or forest fires this year, so that is good. We have one more summer holiday here in Utah when fireworks are allowed for a couple of days - Pioneer Day on July 24. You always read and listen to such interesting books. It's always nice to see what you are up to. Enjoy the rest of the week.

  7. ok, you're making my brain curious about converting a bottom-up mitt to top-down ... the thumb gusset?! and that same curious brain LOVED The Housekeeper and the Professor, but it's been years since I read it. I can count on one hand the books with actual math equations printed on the pages :-)

  8. I lost sleep as well since a neighbor celebrated on the 3rd and the 4th. I am thrilled to report they appear to be finished. I am working on a shawl and a sweater (the sweater that might not have enough yarn and I'm mulling over what to do as I go along..) .

  9. I love reading your always reads like a story. The fireworks went on for nights at our house too,. I'm over it! What shawl pattern are you making? Can't wait to see the update next time. Have a good week.
