Wednesday, October 4, 2023


Hello Gentle Readers. Monday evening was a pleasant 81 degrees so we carried our dinner to the deck and enjoyed the last warm evening and the sunset. Yesterday was a transition from summer to autumn. I could feel the change during my morning walk. Around noon, a thunder storm rolled through and then another during the evening brought a steady downpour, ending the five day streak of 94 degree days. I know parts of the country are over-saturated with moisture but we have been in drought status for a long time. 

Despite cleaning house and hosting a group of friends, I made good progress on my fiber projects. So let's get to the Unraveled Wednesday post with Kat and friends. Sunday I plied the last skein of the Shetland Fiber from Fibernymph Dye Works. I look forward to knitting a colorwork project with this yarn. It's amazing to me that I purchased my spinning wheel a year ago in August. Time does fly when the flyer is spinning. Ha.  

Although I have no photos this week, I am knitting along on the HusKAL wrap project. It's fun to change texture and/or color in the different sections. This pair of socks has been sitting around long enough so I finished the first one and cast on the second. If you knit on something you can finish it. This is an old lesson for me. What I am calling Summer Girl Socks are turning into Autumn socks. I'm knitting them for my summer gal. 

I sent off Norah's sweater and it arrived safely. Yesterday Kate and Norah called via FaceTime and she opened the box. She put the sweater on and announced "I love it." I couldn't ask for a better reaction and it would have been ok if she didn't like it too. It was a gift with all ends woven in and no strings attached. I cast on this hat with leftover yarn. Don't stripes require polka dots? The free pattern is sized for a newborn and is more like a recipe but I was able to size it up for Norah.  

I'm still reading the Phillis Wheatley biography. Although the information is very interesting, the writing is heavy with detail. The book has become a bit of a slog but I renewed it and plan to finish soon. In between, I reread Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver. This time around I noticed the structure of the novel and the theme of life cycles threaded throughout the novel. The three independent women characters meeting life's challenges on their own terms was the highlight for me. Even twenty three years after the first publication, the novel feels timely. It might not be for everyone, but I enjoyed it. 

At mid-morning, the temperature is a delicious 61 degrees. Happy Autumn. 

Ravelry Links


Summer Girl Socks

Polka Dots for Norah


  1. I'm so glad (but not in the least surprised) to hear that Norah was delighted with her sweater. I love the polka dots in the new hat. You did a beautiful job with your mini skeins, too. It does seem like you just started spinning recently -- look how far you've come with it in a relatively short time!

  2. I'm glad you got some rain and are now enjoying a lovely 61-degree day. Your handspun is beautiful, and I like the socks no matter what season they are finished in, but I really love your gifting sentiment: "It was a gift with all ends woven in and no strings attached." I am going to try and remember that, especially if I knit something for someone else. The polka-dot hat is a perfect follow-up.

  3. How perfect is the polka dot hat to go with the stripey sweater? Just wonderful! I bet Norah will be thrilled. Your Summer Gal socks are just simply pretty (no matter the season). This week has been warm - especially warmer than Fletch likes...but rain is forecast for Saturday and the temps will dop - next week will be noticeably Autumnal.

  4. The mini skeins you plied are lovely. Rain fell here last night, too. Flurries may make it down the mountain this weekend.

  5. That rain is headed here on Friday and we need it so desperately, it has been a dry summer. And the forecast says that the rain will usher in cooler temperatures... ah, fall!

    I think that a polka dot hat will be just the thing! (and your spinning is lovely!)

  6. A very fun post this week! I love the hat...what a perfect companion to the sweater! The summer girls socks are also the bright cheery colors. Can't wait to see more results this week.

  7. so excited that your granddaughter LOVED your sweater. I bet you were beaming. I am enjoying the cold weather and slowly getting back into the groove of being home after traveling over the long weekend.

  8. How wonderful to see Norah in her new sweater!! and polka-dots will go beautifully with the stripes. I had a similar reaction to Prodigal Summer when I re-read it last month. I have a much great appreciation for Kingsolver's writing and her topics of choice (I re-read Flight Behavior over the summer) that books she wrote nearly 15 and 25 years ago are still so timely.
