Wednesday, November 29, 2023

November's End

Hello Gentle Readers. I'm sitting in a sunny spot in our living room, soaking up the warmth and quiet afterglow of Thanksgiving. Light wet snow fell on Saturday morning and then again on Saturday evening. As usually happens the day after a snowfall, Sunday was quite cold. Juncos foraged for the seeds in clumps of lazy susans. The stalks are brittle and thin so they bounced about trying to perch. After awhile, they may have knocked the seeds to the ground in order to eat them more easily. Their behavior looked both playful and scrappy.  

Today is Wednesday and the day to link with Kat and other makers. The HusKAL wrap I knit with other customers of Knit Paper Scissors is blocking. It feels like a big finish. When it dries I'll have a weaving-in-the-ends party, take photos, and share a few thoughts. 

I finished spinning this BFL fiber. Four ounces of fiber yielded 423 yds of sport to dk weight yarn pictured at the top of this post. One skein appears more compact because I wound it on a new niddy noddy. I acquired that tool, along with some other items, by way of a birthday gift certificate from my son and his family. My plying could be more consistent. Still, whenever I finish a skein of handspun, I am amazed that I can make yarn. 

I want to give a small present to a service provider so I cast on these mitts. I knit this pattern often because the 2 x 2 ribbed hand will fit a variety of sizes. I also love knitting the leaf/thumb gusset. It ranks right up with turning a heel.  After these mitts are finished, I plan to get back to works in progress. Famous last words, right?

As for reading, I'm listening to Tom Lake written by Ann Patchett and narrated by Meryl Streep. I wondered if listening to Streep would distract from Patchett's writing but it does not. She adds just the right amount of interpretation. I admire the subtle way Patchett, weaves the pandemic into the background of the story. As many of you know, the characters shine and the novel is a beautifully written. 

I'm slowly reading Walking in Wonder by John O'Donohue. Last weekend I read the section on "balance" and am still thinking about it. I was struck by O'Donohue's words about holding contradicting ideas at the same time. He wrote that the mechanism of physical balance in human beings is in the inner ear, the organ also associated with listening. What a connection and message for our time. Mary Oliver's Devotions is also keeping me company. 

And so, speaking of balance, I best move from sitting in the sunshine and to bundling up for a walk. Take a deep breath and enjoy the last few days of November. 

Ravelry Link

Gold Thumb Mitts


  1. Your pink BFL fiber is beautiful and your handspun from it even more so! I will look for Walking in Wonder as holding contradictory ideas intrigues me. We all do it often but it's a difficult concept to write about (at least for me). Thank you for your insight into an interesting book.

  2. Your handspun is beautiful! That pale pink is exactly the color I associate with you -- soft yet warm.

  3. You sound like a cat - sitting in the sun! Your yarn is gorgeous Jane - very nice. Do you have planas for it? Like Bonny, I think I will look for "Walking in Wonder" (is that a book that Mary is also reading...or has read?). Those mitts are very clever with the leaf design.

  4. I enjoyed listening to Meryl Streep read Tom Lake. She is a talented reader. The handspun yarn is beautiful and will be a delight to knit.

  5. I loved Tom Lake... especially read by the talented Ms. Streep! I am off to find the O'Donohue book! Thank you for bringing it to my attention!

  6. Your yarn is so pretty and that stack of books so inviting. I have an Advent devotional based on poetry from that Mary Oliver collection

  7. This post feels so nourishing and inviting...I want to slip right into that room and read from your stack of books!
    Beautiful mitts on the needles. That's one lucky recipient.
    Having listened to Tom Lake, I think I can say--no surprise--that I can't imagine hearing anyone BUT Meryl Streep narrate it, now!
    Enjoy that sunshine.

  8. ‘Sounds like your winter has arrived- no idea where our summer has got to. Gales and driving rain for the past few days haven’t been much fun.
    Everyone’ is saying they have enjoyed Tom Lake, the narration by Meryl Streep being just right. . I’m wondering if I’ll enjoy it just as much when I read it holding the book in my hands. Hopefully I do when I do 😊
    The only O’Donoghue book my library has is one discussing Celtic wisdom which looks rather interesting. Could be my non fiction choice for January.

  9. What beautiful handspun and love those mitts! Your stack of books looks caught my eye, especially the bottom one. I’ve not read anything by Ann Patchett, but everyone seems to enjoy her writing and some day I will need to pick up her books to read.

  10. Your pink yarn is so lovely, Jane. I am a total sucker for pink . . . and I'll look forward to seeing what you do with it next. I have also knit a mitts pattern with a "leaf gusset" (maybe the same one), and I love it! The mitts make such a lovely present for gardening friends. And Meryl Streep was a perfect narrator for Tom Lake (because of course whe would be . . . ). XO

  11. Jane your knitting is beautiful. Love the pink! So refreshing. Have a great week...can't wait to read what you have going on next. :)

  12. lovely lovely wools and knitting. I love visiting blogs and being inspired. I am so happy to be back to regular living with our company gone, I am once again knitting.

  13. That yarn you made is so pretty! love the color(s). and Tom Lake ... I know you've long finished, but I listened back in August and I can still conjure Meryl's voice; she is the perfect narrator for Tom Lake! That book is definitely in my top 10 for 2023. and happy sigh that you're reading and loving Walking in Wonder. I can't help by think that link between listening and balance is quite purposeful; sadly, most folks don't know about it.
