Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Holiday Greetings

Sometime during the wee hours of Christmas morning, I heard the rain change to sleet and then snow. Monday, four inches of snow fell at times with gusty winds. We had no plans to go anywhere and were happy to be tucked in at home with FaceTime calls, coffee, and brunch. 

As is my custom, I wrote a poem to send in my holiday cards.  I share it here with with my best wishes for a last gentle week in 2023.

Notes from a Winter Day, December 2023

Clouds do not mean to create weariness

in the world. Remember, 

rain or snow refreshes the story. 

Junco's bright voice does not break over

the dry-brown winter day. Instead

she sings from the crooked apple limb 

and drinks frost with a pale pink beak,

a beak strong enough to crack seeds or

open hearts to wonder and hope. 

Jane A. Wolfe, copyright December 18, 2023


  1. That is lovely Jane. Thank you for sharing it here.

  2. Thank you for the lovely gift of your poem, Jane. Here's wishing you a lovely last week in 2023 and a peaceful and gentle start to 2024.

  3. You write such beautiful poetry, Jane, and you are so generous to share it! Thank you. I am glad you had a peaceful holiday. Best wishes for the rest of this year and a good start to the next one!

  4. Oh Jane, your poetry is always a treat - thank you! Our rain stayed rain until mid-morning today; those first lines are a much-needed reminder to see the rain as refresh instead of worry/frazzle (for the dogs who have to venture out and get wet ... so many times each day). Best wishes for this Christmastide and a heart full of wonder and hope! xxoo.

  5. Such a lovely poem Jane ! We had rain last week through Sunday morning, it was wonderful. Have a blessed and happy new year 😀

  6. Happy New Year and I love that you share your poems with us. May you have a wonderful 2024!!

  7. Beautiful, Jane! My heart is happy with these beautiful words you have shared! I wish you a very Happy New Year!

  8. Happy New Year Jane! Love the poem. Can't wait to see what you have in store for 2024.
