Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Deep Winter

Hello Gentle Readers. Greetings on a slightly warmer day. Last Friday brought another eight inches of snow on top of the previous six. The story here, as most places in the U.S., is the frigid bone-chilling temperature. Sunday temperatures ranged between -21 and -6 degrees. The prairie wind blew causing a dangerous wind chill. 

Daylight reflects off the snow and winter white sky in the way of deep winter. Sunny days bring sun dogs and blue shadows on the snow. The overcast days highlight the colors of the birds. The bright cardinal and bluejay fluffed up against the winter light are exquisite. Renkl wrote in a New York Times column, "The blue jay's color is created not by pigment but by the interaction of feathers and light."

Today is Unraveled Wednesday with Kat and friends. I finished the Scrappy Hat. On a cold night, I wove in the ends and put it on my head. The fabric is dense and my wrist was sore when I finished but the hat is warm. 

I continue to work on the shawl from handspun. I'm depending on blocking to smooth out the fabric and lace pattern. A year ago last November I bought some lovely Rowan yarn on sale. This fall I bought a contrasting skein for the yoke of the Maddox sweater. This is my first colorwork-yoke sweater and I am enjoying it.  

I am listening to the end of I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings. Angelou's life is a testament to her strength and resilience. I am also reading The Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett, a short but delightful literary romp. I received a copy as a gift from a dear friend. 

Last Friday I promised Norah a snow angel when the snow stopped falling and you know, a promise is a promise. I would flip the photo but then it looks like I'm standing upright. Tomorrow the forecast is for more snow and Friday the temperatures will again be far below zero. This is a time to hunker down with knitting, spinning, stitching, or reading and a cup of something hot. Stay warm and safe. 

Ravelry Links

Scrappy Hat

Winter Solstice Shawl

Winter Maddox Sweater


  1. I miss making snow angels … thank you for sharing yours with us ☺️ Love your scrappy hat and your shawl is going to be beautiful.

  2. I'm so glad Nora asked you for a snow angel so you could share it with us -- that is pure delight! We have not had as much snow here (maybe 2 inches total yesterday), but it's bitterly cold, and of course that means the snow and ice won't go anywhere. I'm very happy at times like this to be working at home and not have to be walking to work in it. The hat is wonderful and the shawl is looking beautiful. Can't wait to see your sweater grow!

  3. I've just returned from running all my errands in the bitter cold, but our temps are higher than yours (so no complaining on my part). Your Maddox will be lovely in those colors and I like your shawl more each time I see it. The best part of this week might be your perfect snow angel!

  4. What chilly fun to make a snow angel. I remember doing that so many years ago! Your scrappy hat looks wonderful as does your shawl (that pattern is so nice) and your colorwork is beautiful Jane. "The Uncommon Reader" looks like it could be fun. I'm planning/hoping to start Winter Solstice tonight!

  5. I'm smiling BIG at the snow angel you made for Norah! I must admit I can't imagine the cold y'all are having. Glad you've got all the things to keep you warm and occupied indoors. Maddox is looking great!

  6. I marvel at how you can sound so happy and content Jane when it is so cold. I just know I’d shrivel up and ‘die’ if I lived in a climate like that, but then I suppose housing and clothing play a big part in that happiness.
    You really are an angel (and a loving granny) for showing Nora what an adult snow angel looks like. Did you need a helping hand to get up 😊

  7. So glad I joined in this link up, I still miss Ginny’s monthly Yarn Along. Did you used to take part in that?
    Lovely to see a mention of “our “ Rowan and Alan Bennett! I really enjoyed that book too.
    I don’t know whereabouts you are in Nebraska so I’ve put in the capital (which Google tells me is Lincoln.) The temperatures there are going to be really cold this week, so BBC weather shows. (I knew from our news that the USA has extremely cold weather in some areas. -20 in Iowa for in person voting! I can’t even imagine how that feels.)
    And you’re not even in the city, are you? I’ll have to do some conversion from your Fahrenheit to Celsius to see what your temps were yesterday. Currently here in my part of England, at 0830, it is -3°c.

  8. There are so many wonderful things to comment on in your post, Jane, (except the bone-chilling cold temperatures, of course) but I think the #1 thing is your delightful snow angel! You've made even the worst winter weather into pure joy and love. XO (And blocking is always magical. That shawl is going to be a beauty.)

  9. Bone chilling temperatures aside, this post is full of delight! (and it reminds me that Wintering is the perfect thing on these chilly days!)

    I am nodding with Bonny... I love that shawl more each time I see it! It is going to be a thing of great beauty when it is done!

  10. Love the snow angel shot!! You are the best :) The knitting this week is gorgeous. I love the sweater design and as you know I am obsessed with wearing hats (so I knit them). It's snowing right now, peaceful and beautiful.

  11. Love the snow angel! I haven’t made one in years. Temperatures are starting to creep upwards and the terrible winds have diminished herein Laramie. Your knitting projects are wonderful.

  12. That is a lot of snow.. we got a couple of inches this week after no snow since two years so we are rejoicing in it. Lovely hat and I can already imagine how beautiful your other two projects will be.

  13. Jane, such a fun post! The snow angel is totally epic! I can't wait to see your shawl's going to be beautiful. After seeing yours, I added it to my wish list. I love making colorwork yoke sweaters...simple and fun. Have a great week.
