Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Almost Finished

Hello Gentle Readers. The changing light is February's gift. The northern hemisphere tilts toward Spring. It does lift the spirit. Here in Nebraska, the sun shines on warm February days. Monday I walked under a bright blue sky. Not too far from home, I stopped to watch a large red-tailed hawk circle the sky. Sunshine articulated his stretched feathers and illuminated the bright rust of his tail.  At that moment I understood why this buteo is called red-tailed. Later in the day, the light reflected the beauty of the bare linden. It's nice to have a respite from the grayer skies.

Today is another Unraveled Wednesday and link with Kat and the Unravelers. I worked on two knitting projects this week. Most evenings, I knit on this shawl. Over the weekend I ripped out a few inches to adjust the color sequence or I might be finished. I didn't mind backtracking because this is such a comfort knit. Who knows whether I will wear it out in public but it will be great on a winter evening. I am now knitting the garter stitch border with the darkest shade. Then it will need a spa-blocking treatment. 

I cast on a scrappy sock because I needed a small project that I could easily pick up and put down. I also want to TRY and whittle down some sock yarn stash. I'm using the small two stitch cable motif from the Candy Floss pattern. 

I am almost finished listening to True Biz by Sara Novic´. Interspersed within the story is information about the history of deafness, American Sign Language (ASL), deaf education, and culture. This perspective of deafness is broader than that the public school system where I taught. I am learning things I didn't know and that is a good thing. Listening to the book is so interesting, considering the characters and subject matter. There is a special sound added to indicate dialogue is being signed between characters. 

I'm also reading Night and Day, Virginia Woolf's second novel. This book is reported to be Woolf's work that is most structured like a traditional novel. I like to read early work of writers to learn more about the way their writing developed and changed over their lifetime. Night and Day certainly shows the promise of Woolf's later writing. Last night I read some laugh-out-loud lines as well as some elegant insightful character descriptions. Woolf may not be for everyone, but this novel been on my to-read list for quite some time. I finally ordered a used copy so I can take my time. 

Happy Valentine's Day. I hope the day brings some special moments to you. 

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  1. It's lovely to see and hear that the colors of February aren't all gray. I look forward to seeing your Solstice shawl in its full glory. Those scrappy socks look delightfully cheery. I hope your Valentine's Day has some sweet surprises!

  2. Loving the fade in your Solstice Shawl and it looks so cozy warm and soft. I haven't seen many birds around here (still) but there have been a few male cardinals ... their bright red really shows up amidst the bare branches (and I think shades of gray and beige with pops of white and red would be a lovely winter color combo for a knitting project). Happy Valentines Day (and Ash Wednesday ... what a ... weird combination)!

  3. Those scrappy socks are fun - fun colors but also fun to be using up bits and bobs of yarn. Your shawl continues to be very eye-pleasing Jane. I'm looking forward to seeing the completed piece.I'm hoping to get out for a walk tomorrow (hoping the wind subsides a bit). I hope your Valentine's Day found you feeling loved.

  4. Your shawl is looking entirely different to how it did in the beginning - with luck hopefully we will see it finished next week.
    And as for those socks, you certainly won’t miss seeing them if they get lost under the bed. Definitely a fun knit!

  5. I just noticed, with pleasure and surprised, this morning that the sky is getting light earlier. I am so happy to see the sun when it comes out these days! I really love how your shawl is knitting up and am looking forward to seeing it finished (and, I hope, modeled, so that I can get a better sense of the size).

  6. Those lightening skies are a treat here as well. I did not use my "head lamp" once this week on early morning strolls with Sherman. I still need it for that "last walk of the day" but not for much longer, I am thinking!

    Your handspun shawl is just beautiful, Jane! I can't wait to see that finished!

  7. I am enjoying the returning light these days, too, Jane. It is so welcome -- and really does lift the spirits. Spring WILL arrive! Your knitting projects are both lovely -- and I would love to read Night and Day. It's been on my to-read-someday list for quite a long time. Someday!!! XO

  8. Hi Jane. I love that colorful scrappy thought. Seems like one of the great lessons we need to learn in life is that sometimes we have "rip things out" and start over and fix our mistakes. I am enjoying the gradual increase in daylight hours as well. You are right - it does lift the spirits. It's always good to see what you are up to. See you again soon!

  9. *scrappy sock NOT thought. So sorry.

  10. scrappy socks sound the the perfect pick up and go project! I am working on the blanket for the babysitter and might be half way (whoop!). That is what I am focusing on for now.

  11. I saw a hawk on a recent walk. They are fascinating to watch. I love how intentional you are with your reading.

  12. Jane, I love everything about the shawl. The colors, the fade, the squishiness and the pattern. Can't wait to see it done. I should do a pair of scrappy socks...I hate wasting sock yarn. Great idea!

  13. I love watching hawks and we had one visit our yard last year. I have to make scrappy socks simply because of all the ends to would need to weaved in. Enjoy your weekend Jane and as always, love your post.
