Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Home When the Flowers Bloom

Hello Gentle Readers. Mid May and the iris are in bloom. They remind me of a line written by my gentle grandfather from the western front in France. After the Armistice he looked forward to coming home. All the US service forces couldn't sail at one time and so he remained in France with a unit that helped build or rebuild a stadium outside of Paris. In the letters between November and his arrival home in May, he speculated about the date of his return, pushing it forward each time. On one of the last postcards he posted from France, he wrote to his mother, "I'll be home by the time the flowers bloom." 

These May days are glorious. We ate our dinner on the deck last night. Saturday, we planted the garden and arranged drip hoses. I planted lettuce seeds in a large pot. We covered the top with chicken wire and weighed it down with two pieces of wood. I hope this high tech arrangement keeps the critters out of the lettuce. It's growing. Last night a little hummingbird migrated through the backyard. We had a brief look before he was gone. We don't often see them here. 

Late in the morning as it may be, it is Unraveled Wednesday with Kat and friends. This week I frogged a red hat that was too big. My gauge was off. I loved the yarn and the pattern but I think a yarn with more color variation would be a better choice. I made some progress on the Juniper Hat. The color work is enjoyable. 

I cast on a shawl for comfort knitting. I'm combining this skein of hand-spun BFL Silk and an unknown skein of yarn from my stash. It feels like it is a Merino/Cashmere Blend. I can't remember where it came from but I must have tried to use it in a shawl as it is in various balls. The two yarns are working well together and it's another peaceful knit.  

I finished the Moon Phases table runner. I love the spell cast by hand stitching and quilting. I started with a hoop but then set it aside as it felt awkward. I quilted around each shape to make them stand out, added some random lines and swirls. I finished by quilting small stars around the moons. I'm not sure what I'll do with it but maybe one day I'll dress up the table for the two of us. It was a fun project. 

Some readers asked about the shortie socks so I am reporting back. I like the look of the shadow wrap heel but a standard heel flap and gusset is a better fit for my foot. The heel tab at the top of the cuff prevented the cuff from sliding down into my shoes. It makes a big difference for me. I plan to knit more with this modification. 

As for reading, I'm almost finished with The Girl with the Louding Voice. It's a hard story to read. I hope this brave spunky young girl gets the education for which she yearns. Nigeria is a hard place for many but especially girls and women who live in poverty. It's not all that pleasant for women with means. As a balance, I'm listening to a light mystery, Mother-Daughter Murder Night by Nina Simon. Three generations of women, a grandmother, a mother, and a daughter are caught up in a mystery. The grandmother, a real estate tycoon with cancer, is a force and is not going to let her granddaughter be accused as a suspect. 

I hope May is bringing you flowers and sunshine. 

Ravelry Links

Juniper Hat

Curious Hand-spun Shawl 


  1. I love your moon phases table runner. It just seems perfect! Your juniper hat is lovely and what a pretty start for a new shawl. Very pretty yellow iris too.

  2. So many good things in this post, Jane! I really love your grandfather's story. I imagine you think of him often, but especially each year in May as the flowers begin their blooming. I really like the colors you're using in your ongoing projects. I am quite a sucker for purple-ish/green-ish combinations, so your knitting hits all my buttons! And I'm just over the moon about your moon phase table runner.

  3. Your iris are stunning, and I really love the photos you've shared. The combination with bleeding heart is really lovely, and so is your handspun shawl. I hope you can enjoy dinner some evening with your gorgeous table runner. May your flowers bloom throughout May.

  4. Thank you for sharing that story about your grandfather's longing to be home; I'm sure your grandmother never felt the same about spring after that homecoming! and your moon phases runner turned out beautifully. My favorite is the full moon with the quilted crescent. and is that a glimpse of another eclipse behind it?

  5. Hi Jane! I love Iris and yours are beautiful! That is a touching story about your grandfather. Nebraska is so beautiful in the springtime - probably my favorite time of year - from my memories of living there. I like all of your projects. The mystery book you are reading sounds more to my liking than The Girl With The Louding Voice. I hope your week is going well. See you again soon!

  6. After reading that lovely story about your grandfather, I think I now have a better sense of where your gentle nature and poetic voice comes from! The table runner is lovely. I love the stars quilted into the starry fabric. And you have a beautiful variety of irises! I'm glad to see you knitting with your handspun.

  7. Thank you for sharing that story about your grandfather. I love his thoughts about returning home. So beautiful! Your green/purple knitting is really quite stunning! Like Kym, I love that combination! But your Moon Table Runner is absolutely brilliant!

  8. What lovely Iris… I miss having them in my yard, along with day lilies. Such pretty projects you have going, and your yarn choices are perfect.

  9. love the runner! I was a little sad that we are over half way through May. It is a grand month to be living in. Our lilies are blooming but not the day lilies, that will be soon!

  10. The stately yellow Iris along with the arching stems and reddish drooping flowers of the Dicendra look good together. Same as the muted colours of your Juniper hat.
    Lucky you to be eating outside- non of that for us this Sunday - early Winter has come to visit. Drizzling rain - low clouds- cold temps (9C/48f at the moment) definitely better indoors.

  11. Your crafting is all so always have a great variety of projects going at once. Mine have been stalled lately.
