Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Warm Weather Projects

Hello Gentle Readers. Summer days have arrived. We are in for a week of hot sunny, ninety degree days. Watering the garden plots with the trusty drip hoses is on my list of chores. Many juvenile robins try their wings while the red house finches feed their young. I'm waiting for the fireflies, aka "firebums" as my grandson Emmett, now a seventh grader, dubbed them when he was a toddler. Like most children, he was enchanted by flying insects with lighted "bums." Ever since they have been "firebums" to me. 

Today is Unraveled Wednesday with Kat and friends. My projects this week reflect the warmer weather.  I wanted to try a new-to-me cotton yarn so I bought two skeins (color way Sunshine) of Rowan Cotton from my local yarn shop for wash cloths. It is pricey but has a nice hand. I've worked on the first pink ribbed sock and plan to knit the toe in bright green. They are only socks so as far as bright colors, it's in for a dime, in for a dollar. 

I cast on a pumpkin hat for a baby gift. This little family expects twins in August so I'll be knitting two of these hats. I dither with baby sizes. On one hand, babies seem so small but they do grow and sometimes their head circumference is deceiving. The smallest size looked small. I hope this size isn't too big. 

As for reading, I listened to The Paris Novel by Ruth Reichl. Although the story was a little unrealistic, it was an entertaining romp through Paris. I enjoyed the literary references, the time spent in Shakespeare and Company, and the characters. As I expected from Reichl, French food and wine is described with great sensory detail. I'm rereading a like-new copy of  A Sand County Almanac And Sketches Here and There by Aldo Leopold. I found it on the library sale shelf for a dollar and couldn't resist the bargain. First published in 1949, Leopold was a conservationist and wrote with ethical regard for the environment. His was an early voice questioning the loss of wetlands and other natural habitat. The lyrical writing continues to have value. 

Although the official beginning of summer is a week or so away, I send you this first little bouquet of summer.  Happy Summertime. 


  1. Your bouquet makes me so happy! As do your pretty yarn colors. As for the hat and its size, better a little big than a little small. Chances are good the babies can wear them for two autumns!

  2. What a beautiful bouquet! My hydrangeas and salvia are blooming, but the rabbits keep eating all the flowers on my impatiens!

    If you're in doubt about the sizing of the baby hats, always go bigger. Better for them to grow into the hats than outgrow them right away.

    I think I will call them "firebums" from now on.

  3. I saw my first firebum last night and it made me quite happy to watch it. My SiL kind of ruined the magic for me temporarily when she said she thinks of them just out there signaling for sex on a summer night, but I think the one I saw last night was out for some solo bioluminescence. I always think babies' heads are huge, so I'm with Sarah on going bigger. Enjoy your time with Aldo's words of wisdom.

  4. I fully support using lovely yarn for wash clothes! And that book - off to see if I can find it. Enjoy those sweet flowers

  5. Lighter knitting here too (aside from the sweater, but it is in the "light" category as it is not yet a lap full! ) I thought Reichl's book was predictable but that did not deter from the fun of strolling around Paris!

  6. Summer has arrived here as well ... sadly without that pretty bouquet! I am loving the saturated colors in the flowerbeds and front porch pots, though.

  7. Firebums. Oh, I just love it! I think I'm going to borrow your family term and from here on out . . . refer to fireflies as firebums! XO

  8. oh my gosh I love that orange and now I want autumn!! Beautiful. We have a steamy hot weak ahead and I am hiding in the house.

  9. Your little projects are so enticing.....the colors are fun...Crazy hot here too...though I try to knit outside everyday for a little bit...just because I can't do that in November. :) Have a good week.

  10. You have some lovely knitting work going on... and I also like your lovely blue and white patchwork blanket...
    There are also fireflies in my garden and I'm totally thrilled and enjoy them every evening... except yesterday, when I went to the opera for Romeo and Juliet and it was wonderful.
    The heat may be over for you for now... today it's only 14 degrees and I'm wearing a thick fleece jacket... a cheerful greeting goes to you from Viola.
    I wish you a happy summer.
