Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Hello September

Hello Gentle Readers and Hello September. Labor Day weekend and my birthday have come and gone. The long weekend brought three gorgeous early Autumn days. Cool mornings and warm afternoons felt like summer's end. Yesterday morning I saw a large perfectly spun spider web suspended between a tree and a bush. Sunday evening, a single long thread was backlit by the setting sun. I'm waiting for the bright yellow goldfinches to find the dried cone flowers. 

Family and friends greeted me warmly on birthday, which this year fell on Labor Day.  I made a few cupcakes and we enjoyed fresh BLT's and watermelon for dinner. Tuesday I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with impetigo. Here's to medical care and antibiotics. My immune system isn't what it was when I worked with little children. 

Today is a day to link with Kat and the Unravelers to post about making and reading. Late last week, I finished the last skein of a spinning project in the first photo. The Corriedale fiber was part of last year's birthday gift from my son and his family. Once I was able to get a little more twist into the fiber, (thank you Kat and Sarah) I spun a lovely sport weight-ish yarn. When I began, I hoped to have enough yardage to knit a shawl but at 1100 yards I've enough for a sweater. 

In the meantime, I'm knitting and enjoying this shawl. According to the pattern I'm almost to the point where I've used 80% of the yarn so I'm on the home stretch. The BLF/Silk handspun has such a nice hand. 

As for reading, I couldn't find an audio book available on Libby but on Hoopla, I came upon The Dangerous Old Woman by Clarissa Pinkola Estés. As far as I can tell, this work is available only in audio format. Estés is Jungian analyst who extracts meaning from the archetypes of women in old folk and fairy tales. Some of the stories she tells are better than others but I am enjoying her thoughts about old women as elders and "weavers" of culture and tradition. I can say that Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs will never be the same. The synchronicity seemed appropriate for the weekend I completed 73 trips around the sun. Estés who serves as narrator is also a wonderful oral storyteller.  

The Connecticut kids went back to school last Friday. They had a terrific summer and everyone had a good first day of school. Norah started kindergarten, Jonah is in the third grade (with the best teacher ever - got to love a positive attitude) Micah is a fifth grader at the top of the heap, and Emmet is in the eighth grade. The beginning of a school year is a new season filled with promise. Micah and Jonah are happy to serve as "little sister security."  Emmett is about to be taller than his Mom. How does this happen so quickly?   Have a good week. 


  1. I do so love this time of year & all the back to school photos. ;) Hope your kids have a great year!!

  2. Those grandchildren are adorable (don't tell the boys I said that). I love the pictures - especially your daughter with her son. Your shawl is gorgeous and your latest spin will make a beautiful sweater. Any pattern in mind? Happy belated birthday (you share your birthday with my favorite boss). My birthday is next week and then Fletcher's is 2 weeks later. We have been having PERFECT weather!!

  3. Happy Belated Birthday; I'm glad you had such nice weather to help celebrate. Your handspun is gorgeous and it looks so nice and squishy. Your shawl is also beautiful and you may be needing it soon enough. I'm glad your grandchildren are off to such a good start, except Emmet may be growing too fast. :-) I hope it's a good week in your world.

  4. A belated happy birthday to you! It was our anniversary on Monday, so it was a good day to celebrate! I'm glad to hear that the grandkids have had a good start to their school year.

    Your yarn is absolutely beautiful! I look forward to seeing what you pick to knit with it (and am excited for you to experience the joy of a handspun sweater).

  5. Oh Jane! I hope your impetigo is gone quickly! My kids had that... and we learned it it so easy to get it! Your unexpected sweater spin is delightful! I can't wait to see what you make! (and that book sounds fascinating... I am off to find it on Hoopla!)

  6. Happy birthday, Jane! It sounds like you enjoyed a wonderful weekend . . . except for the impetago thing. I hope that clears up quickly and causes you no difficulties. Your yarn is lovely and the shawl is going to be wonderful, but it's your grandchildren that really steal the show! Thanks for sharing them with us.

  7. Happy Birthday, Jane! May your 74th trip around the sun be a good one! So glad that the new school year is off to a good start for your grandchildren. I hope you enjoy the weekend! See you again soon.

  8. Happy birthday. Have fun choosing a pattern for your beautiful yarn!

  9. happy birthday!! The Connecticut kids are growing FAST!! Gah!! I am assuming all of that luscious spinning is meditative to create. So beautiful and a color I love!!

  10. Happy belated birthday Jane and sounds like you had a lovely time. Your handspun is gorgeous and such a beautiful color!

  11. Happy happy birthday. The pictures of your grands are so cute...getting big so quickly. Love your knitting..the colors are so pretty.
