Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Cold Morning

Snow fell over the weekend and the lingering cold means the tree branches are outlined in white. The temperatures rise to the low twenties in the afternoon. Winter is a few days early. Yesterday I watched a bird holiday outside the window. Four pairs of cardinals flitted with robins. Blue jays, two white breasted nuthatches, three red breasted nuthatches, two chickadees and a flock of sparrows visited the birch. The juncos prefer the backyard feeders. The birds are good companions. Today they have flown for a quieter space. We are having new windows installed. We've been on the list since early August. Supplies are tricky due to Covid. The house is noisy and I am dressed in layers of wool. Forgive me if my post is a bit disjointed. 

In knitting news, I finished the fingerless mitts for my daughter. I have enough yarn leftover to make a pair for myself. The yarn is so lovely I want to use it all. Three generations will have the same yarn in mitts. I continue to knit on the poncho. Stitch by stitch I am getting near the finish line. Today would be a good day for a poncho - indoors. Soon. If I am counting correctly, I need about five more cable repeats. My phone is currently working on an update so I don't have a photo. 

I created a Ravelry page for swatch information. I often knit a swatch and then write down the gauge in one of several notebooks floating around the house or in knitting bags. Unless I immediately cast on a project with said yarn, the swatch gets buried in the stash. I hope having information on Ravelry page will make it easy to locate, especially when in a yarn shop. (2021 I have big plans for you.) Anyway I thought I'd give this a try with any new information. 

The yarn for Micah's hat and mittens arrived yesterday so that is my next project. And in the words of Brenda Dayne, I will "knit, knit like the wind." Connecticut is expecting a big snowstorm this week and those grands need their new winter gear. Although I am sure they are not without, I like to think about my hand-knit mittens warming their fingers until I can hold their hands. See plans for 2021.

I am currently reading Chronicles of a Radical Hag by Lorna Landvik and enjoying every page. This is a sweet story told through the newspaper columns of a older woman who has had a stroke. Although a character looking back on life is a much used trope, the newspaper columns give it a slight twist. The rest of the story, set in a small Minnesota town, revolves around the characters in the newspaper and community. The characters thoughtfully and sometimes irreverently comment about the large and small events of the day. It's poignant and funny without being syrupy sweet. If you are looking for a light read this may be the story. 

As I link with Kat and the Unravelers. I hope this week finds you warm and snug at home. 

Ravelery Links


  1. Your snow photos and descriptions of the bird party sound lovely, but not so much the new windows being installed in Dec. We had them installed in MD in July of 2019, which did not require layers of wool. I love the thought of three generations having the same yarn in mitts, and your poetic description of your handknits warming loved ones until you can hold their hands. Stay warm and knit like the wind!

  2. I love the first few snow falls, there is just something wondrous about everything blanketed in white! That book sounds very interesting, I am off to see if my library has a copy! Thank you!

  3. I envy your snow!! Beautiful photo. And love those mitts.

  4. Your mitts with each leaf are really beautiful!

  5. Those mitts are lovely! I love the idea of three generations covering their hands with the same yarn -- and also of your knitting on your grands serving as a substitute for holding their hands until you can safely do it in person. Enjoy the beautiful snow!

  6. I LOVE the Green Thumbs mitts pattern! I have made it several times -- mostly as gifts for gardening friends. What a wonderful idea to make generation-gifts with the same yarn. You will all be "connected" by your stitches and your yarn (and your love, of course). (That yarn looks like peppermint ice cream to me! My favorite!) XO

  7. Such pretty snow pictures! Love the mitts and love that you have enough yarn left to make yourself a pair so that you, your daughter and granddaughter can all wear the same thing! Hope the window installation went smoothly.

  8. gorgeous wintry views! we had lots of snow and I love it! the mitts will be loved forever and how nice you can knit yourself a pair as well.

  9. The snow is so pretty ... out the window! Sure hope everything got done and you are now toasty warm inside. I LOVE that there are going to be three generations wearing mitts in that gorgeous yarn AND that one of those generations is YOU!
