Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Small Shifts

Early December and this day is beautiful. The sky is blue and the temperatures continue to be warm. Today's high is forecast for 64 degrees. One of these evenings we plan to walk at sundown to look at the outdoor holiday lights. Since this is such an odd year, I am making some small shifts in our traditions. Small is the key word as we are two oldsters who like our routine (and may be a little set in our ways, ok a lot set in our ways.) Since we won't be at our usual gatherings, I took time to sort through all the Christmas decor and donated some things to a thrift store. We haven't had the big artificial tree out for several years so we got it out. The middle section of lights didn't come on so we improvised. This tree sheds more than a real one. It's a Charlie Brown tree but this feels like a Charlie Brown kind of year. My husband voted to decorate it one more year so we did. I put out a few favorite pieces and left some things in the storage bins. We are going to have a meal of appetizers on Christmas Eve instead of the usual soup. Who knows what other unexpected shifts might happen. Gasp!

Knitting is not going to change though. I finished the third mitten and hat set and am waiting for yarn for the last one. I talked with Micah on FaceTime and he requested a particular shade of blue. I knit his things from the KnitPicks Swish yarn because his very sensitive skin tolerates that yarn. What's a Grammy to do but order two more skeins of yarn in the "right blue?" While waiting for it to arrive, I cast on a pair of fingerless mitts for their Mama. The leaf thumb gusset would show up better in a solid yarn but this is the same yarn I used for Norah's set. I think it will be fun for their mittens to match. Kate can definitely use fingerless mitts in her busy life.  

I finished the first sock of a pair and cast on the second. The stripes aren't going to match exactly (my error) but that doesn't bother me. They'll be another reminder of this off kilter autumn and winter. They make good Zoom knitting. I knit on the poncho now and again. I continue to enjoy it but have reached the "black hole of knitting" stage. In the meantime, I'm looking at sweater patterns and yarn. Santa is set to bring me yarn for Christmas if I can decide on a sweater. Maybe it will be a Happy New Year gift. 

Last night I finished listening to All The Devils Are Here by Louise Penny. Oh my, what a great story. Even though a mystery has predictable elements, Penny's plots have interesting details with several twists and turns. They are well researched. I enjoyed hearing the French pronunciation of names and places and learned more about Paris. As always, Penny's description of food is mouth-watering and the character development continues. I missed the daily life of the Three Pines crew, in particular Merna and Ruth, but number sixteen was worth the Overdrive wait. 

As I link with Kat and the Unravelers, I wish you well and safe. 

Ravelry Links

Emmett's Hat and Mittens 

Striped Socks

Mitts for the Mama


  1. We've been switching our holiday plans around here, too. Change is good. And this is the year to do it! Your knitting looks just wonderful, Jane. Everything will be so appreciated and treasured by your recipient-family-members. And I really enjoyed the newest Three Pines installment as well!

  2. I kind of chuckled at your weather because it's 34 and snowing here in NJ! It was just supposed to be a dusting but things are getting heavily dusted and the salt trucks are out. I'm glad your tradition of knitting hasn't changed and everything looks warm and wonderful. And the right shade of blue will be much appreciated! I also like your idea of appetizers for Christmas Eve, so we might just try that, too. You can tell your husband that you are trendsetters!

  3. Appetizers for Christmas Eve sounds wonderful -- that's what we usually do for New Year's Eve. I love all the knitting, and that leaf thumb gusset is so clever!

  4. I usually toss up all our holiday decorating in one weekend. This year, I did things differently. I got out Santa's Village and set it up on the mantle. I took my time putting the tree up and savoring the process. In a year of everything you want to do you can't, it seemed that to end this year by truly savoring the season was the way to go. I love those mitts! Thank you for sharing the pattern!

  5. This is the perfect year to try out some new traditions! Love all the hat and mittens and the mitts for mama will be wonderful in that matching pink (I can see the leaf detail just fine!)

  6. I admire you trying a new tradition. I am shooting for a campfire Christmas morning. Just me and Fireman before we open Viral gifts with the kids.

  7. I have some Louise Penny books on my "to read" stack. I think we will donate more of our Christmas decorations after we put things away after Christmas this year. Have a good weekend.

  8. I simplified my decorating when we adopted Miss Holly there is less for her to mess with while it's a simple tree. I'm looking forward to the 'quiet' that this holiday will give.

  9. Appetizers sound like a perfect idea! I'm pretty sure we will be at our son's house, so I don't need to worry about it anyway! I like Kathy B's idea of a campfire Christmas morning...but we are supposed to get snow today and continuing into tomorrow, so I don't think we will have a fire anytime soon. Love all your knitting Jane - so pretty!
