Tuesday, January 3, 2023

2023 - Delight

This year I choose the word, delight. Delight makes me think of my grandchildren. One of the joys of being around them, is watching their delight in the world." Oh look, a long stick, a leaf, a feather, the ice cream shop, this big rock," and so on. Both of my children are playful, a trait they learned from their father. I tend more to the serious side of life. I am aware that way too many people live in oppression conditions, the state of the climate is dire, and this country is in a political quagmire. I understand these things and carry them with me everyday. However, at seventy one, I am a woman rowing north (Mary Pipher) and I don't want to miss the delicate beauty and charm of the world. So I choose delight, not a constant search for joy, but days with more ease and less worry. 

I sit at my desk on a gray damp day. When I got up, I noticed rows of raindrops lining tree branches. I also felt sluggish from a virus, not Covid, causing laryngitis and a slight cough. I haven't had a cold since way before the pandemic so it's my turn. I brewed my favorite white peony tea in a teapot and poured it into a snowman mug. I wrapped up in my favorite garter stitch shawl and sat down to write. For a time, I watched fat snowflakes melt on the ground. A cardinal pair came by as two little girls walked a dog around the cul-de-sac. They pushed their hoods off as they laughed and talked. Now the snow has stopped and the morning is gone. However a few sparkling drops remain on the tree and I feel a little lighter. Hot tea, at least until the new coffee pot arrives, may be the elixir of life and a good start to this morning. I hope you had a good morning. 


  1. I am delighted with your word! I also tend towards a more serious side, and while I can't envision pursuing joy all the time, I do like your vision of days with more ease and less worry. It's often hard to reconcile our pretty good lives with the state of the world today, but an easeful life and finding delight in a warming cup of tea is a very good start.

  2. It’s fun to see the world through the eyes of children as they explore and learn. I want to keep the magic of childhood in my heart and not become a grumpy old woman: that’s my goal for 2023.

  3. What a great post Jane…..soft and comfortable….nothing harsh about it all….a delight to read.
    lol I’m going in the same direction as you, might be a bit further upstream than you though. My library has a copy of the book you referred to so I’ll be looking out for it as I’m heading north. And of course to us North equals warmth so I’ll go north any day- well maybe not in the rainy season when it’s hot and humid though

  4. I think your choice of Delight is the perfect antidote to all the bad news out there! I think we can all learn and benefit from following the instincts of children and their sense of wonder. I hope the tea helps with your throat and the new coffee pot arrives soon!

  5. I am also delighted with your word selection, Jane! I, too, tend towards the serious side of things, lightening up is a challenge for me... thus a Year of Gnomes to lighten my days. But a Year of Delight is something we all should welcome and this post certainly did bring delight to my day!

    I hope you are on the mend soon!
