Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Ah January

On this last Wednesday of January, the day is cold, gray, and windy. A little red-breasted nuthatch huddles in the crotch of two birch limbs. The sidewalks are clear of ice and snow and I could walk this afternoon. I have plenty of wool layers and my sensible self knows I feel better when I get out and walk. The self with creaky joints would prefer to stay inside where it is warm. I am not as intrepid as in my earlier years. Ah, January. 

Today is Unraveled Wednesday with Kat and company. I'm making slow steady progress on my gray sweater. I like the nubby tweedy texture of the yarn. Evenings I try to knit at least an inch. If I am not tired of gray, I knit more. When I need a brighter color, I knit on this scarf. The pattern designer wrote the texture is good for variegated yarn. My handspun fits the bill as the rose/pink yarn is wildly tonal. The periwinkle with rose is variegated. I love knitting on the scarf. The handspun has a springy quality to it and the thick and thin width of yarn from the rose/pink braid plays well in the textured stitch. This texture would make a great wash cloth. No doubt some creative knitter has already thought of this. It's a nice little free pattern. 

I am decreasing gusset stitches on the second sock. I pull out this project when I have ten more minutes on a pot of soup or five minutes before leaving for an appointment. On Saturday evening, I turned the heel and began gusset decreases in my prime knitting time. Heel turning goes best in one sitting. I don't know about other knitters but I find striped socks almost knit themselves. 

As for reading, I'm reading Time After Time, a light story set from the 1930's - post World War II in Grand Central Station in NYC. The romance between the two main characters requires magical realism with a touch of pseudo-science. It's a fun read. The history of Grand Central Station is interesting. I just began The Night Watchman by Louise Erdrich. I'm sure I'm in for a good story. 

The second bud on the amaryllis is blooming. It's beautiful and a nice contrast to the January weather. The sunsets are also gorgeous. I hope you are finding bright spots in your week. 

Ravelry Links

Striped Pullover

Handspun Scarf

Solstice Socks



  1. What a lovely post Jane! Your Solstice socks are coming along nicely and I have to agree on two points: a) turning the heel is best done in one sitting and b) striped socks just about knit themselves. Isn't it funny how that seems to be true? Your sweater is coming along nicely too - a good idea to knit an inch (or more) per night...that way you are guaranteed it will get finished. But what I really, really love is that you have learned to spin and are using your very own hand spun to make yourself a scarf. And it is so very, very pretty! the "Time After Time" book sounds so familiar to me, I wonder if I've read it?

  2. Ah January! I've done very little reading or knitting today, but I have been outside multiple times (some in the rain) ... balance is good in all things, so hopefully I'll be reading and knitting this evening. I do hope you found balance in your day, too!

  3. Yup, turning the heel is better in one sitting here, too! Your sweater is coming along and it seems you've paired it perfectly with the lovely bright scarf. And it seems like you've had bright amaryllis blossoms for much of January. Enjoy!

  4. The amaryllis is just beautiful - what a lovely winter bright spot in your home. Great knitting projects. I am glad you are having some nice sunsets. We haven't seen the sun very much for many days, but alas, the cold grayness of January will give way to warmer days soon. I'm off to look up those books you are reading. Enjoy the end of your week. See you again soon.

  5. I love those stripy socks. The flower is really cheerful, just what's needed in January.

  6. Meanwhile here in Melbourne it is shorts and T-shirts weather….summer all the way. We waited so long for it to arrive, don’t think we’re going to let it go very easily.
    As I was looking at your scarf with its cosy colours the thought crossed my mind about the ribbed pattern being good for dishcloths and lo and behold you make the same suggestion in your text. I must look at the link to note the row sequences and try it out next time I’m making some

  7. I hope you enjoyed your walk. I went out for my run yesterday despite the snow and then wintry mix that was coming down, and as I was slogging through the slush, I was thinking that I'd really rather be home under a blanket but knew I'd feel better if I finished (and I did). Your projects are coming along beautifully -- that sweater has grown quite a lot!

  8. Your sweater is coming right along, Jane! I love these quiet wintry days (although this week has seen all the weathers... rain, sleet, snow, and even a dash of sunshine!)

  9. The amaryllis is so beautiful, Jane! For me, there is nothing more cheering than a blooming amaryllis in January! Every late afternoon (no matter the weather), Tom and I take a short walk through our neighborhood with our dog, JoJo. We started doing this during the pandemic, and it's a "thing" that has stuck. We often don't feel like going out (it's cold or wet or we're busy with other things), but we always do it anyway. And we never regret getting out! Sometimes, it's just good to get out of the house. :-) As always, your knitting is lovely. (And Night Watchman may be my favorite of Louise Erdrich's books.)

  10. I agree that stripped socks do practically knit themselves. It’s fun to knit “just one more stripe.” Beautiful amaryllis blooms. I didn’t buy a bulb this year, and I miss seeing the bursts of color.

  11. I love that sock yarn, so cheerful and stripey!! beautiful amaryllis and a cheerful view during the gray days.

  12. I never got around to getting an amaryllis this year but I picked up some daffodils this week for a spot of color. I need to get back to having socks on the needles.

  13. Your amaryllis is glorious! The bud on one of mine is cracking open. Can't wait to see what it will look like. Your handspun scarf and gray sweater and striped sock are all beautiful. Keep knitting!

  14. Enjoyed seeing what you're working on. I totally agree about striped socks - they are like magic. I loved Time After Time. I will have to look for The Night Watchman too!
