Wednesday, December 20, 2023

December Making

Hello Gentle Readers. Our December weather continues to be mild and dry. While the high-forty degree days are unseasonable, they make for good walking weather. Walking feels more important than ever as the holiday treats are tempting and plentiful. 

Today is Unraveled Wednesday with Kat and friends. I finally finished the Hocus Pocus Socks, leaving one scarf on the needles. As I knit the scarf, I am considering new projects. I spun this yarn with a shawl in mind so I am mulling over pattern options. Sometimes I think the best project is always the next one. 

In the meantime, I'll share the apron saga. Once my sister gave my daughter and I a Purl Soho, Cross Back Apron. Kate's good friend loves to bake and admired her apron. When we visited, I volunteered to sew a mother/daughter apron set for her to give to this friend. In spite of all my mistakes, I would gladly sew again for my wonderful daughter. 

The free pattern is well written and finished with French Seams. However, this pattern is to sewing as EZ's Baby Surprise Jacket is to knitting. In other words it seemed like sewing origami. And it's been awhile since I sewed a garment. I cut two of six pocket pieces incorrectly which required another trip to the fabric store. I made another error when sewing pocket pieces together and so ripped out and resewed a long seam. A few days later than I expected, I finished the apron. The child's apron was much easier although I cut the pocket two inches two short to stretch across the entire apron. I adapted the pocket. Oy.

I had enough leftover fabric to make an apron for Norah. Jonah also likes to wear his "kitchen robe" so I decided to make one for him too. Off I went to Joann's for more bias tape. Anyway, I finished them earlier in the month, sent them off with cookie cutters and they have arrived. Whew. 

As for reading, I'm about half-way through The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store by James McBride. McBride is quite a story teller. I'm still formulating my opinions about this book. I do appreciate the humor he injects into the stories about people who live in difficult conditions. 

Next on my agenda is a grocery list and menu for the week. My goal is to make today's grocery run the last before the Christmas weekend. I hope your plans for the week are going well. I wish you peaceful contented days filled with the people and things you love. 

The sunbeam wasn't visible to me when I took this photo but there it is in the photo. I'm sure there is a metaphor or a lesson here. What is it? 


  1. Oh I think you know what the lesson is! Things always look better when you stand back. Or sometimes we just don’t recognize the beauty in front of us. Or a special sunbeam is like a smile from God.

  2. Those aprons are darling and what fun! I almost never wear an apron, but I have some of my Mom's and should consider using them...rather than putting everything I wear when I bake into the wash - LOL Good luck with the last grocery run. I thought I was done on Tuesday, but then I was at Trader Joe's this morning. Oy! And goodies galore throughout the house. I need a serious intervention. Happy holidays Jane - may your days be filled with love and joy.

  3. I enjoyed your saga of the aprons, especially because I can easily imagine myself in the same situation. I would think, "How hard could an apron be without zippers or buttonholes?" and glibly set out to make loads of mistakes. I do think all of your aprons look wonderful, even if weren't easy to do. And I love Jonah's kitchen robe! I don't know the lesson in your plant photo but your Christmas cactus blossoms are beautiful. Wishing you and your family a very merry, peaceful, and enjoyable Christmas.

  4. Those Aprons turned out beautifully! and your Christmas cactus - hot pink in the sunshine looks more like summer solstice than winter. Wishing you and yours a warm & merry Christmas!

  5. Hi Jane! I love those aprons. They remind me of the apron my grandma always used to wear. I also had some little aprons for my girls when they were young. I hope that you and yours have a very Merry Christmas!

  6. There are often days when things don’t go quite to plan. . and that’s the reason we often have a Plan B or we’re clever enough to think we do. And as long as everything turns out almost as you wanted who’s to know 😊

    Merry Christmas to you Jane and all you love. The Winter Solstice will see the lengthening of your days - ours will gradually become shorter, hopefully some warmer weather will arrive here soon

  7. For all the frustrations with the apron sewing, they turned out beautifully. That floral fabric makes me think of the cover of Tom Lake.

    I think it's appropriate that I'm reading this post on the winter solstice and seeing that sunbeam. For sure it's a metaphor for the light that can't always be seen.

  8. Despite the frustrations, those aprons are adorable! I enjoyed Heaven and Earth Grocery Store, but I think I liked The Good Lord Bird a bit better. Merry Christmas, Jane!

  9. love the aprons and chuckled at the EZ reference. I do like those kind of mind puzzles. I'm still ill (but getting slowly better) may you have a very Merry Christmas!!~

  10. I made one of those aprons and I agree with the origami connection! I have been slowly adding some indoor plants and think maybe a Christmas cactus might be a good one to try. Enjoy your meal planning and shopping and the celebrations ahead.
